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Show Modesty Is to merit as shades to figures fig-ures In a picture; giving It kfrctigtu and beauty. liruyere. Dr. Tirrce's Pcllrtu, small, menr-costcd, ey to tnke minly. ri'nul;itt mid inviT-onite inviT-onite stoma"!!, livr anil bowel. Do not gripe. The Easier Way. "Your wife and you seem to get along so beautifully together. Don't ou ever have any differences of opinion?" opin-ion?" "Oh. yes, every day, but I don't let her find It out." Reason Enough. A negro near Xenla. ()., had been irrcsted for chicken stealing. He had oln so many that his crime bad become be-come gram! larceny. He was tried and convicted, and brought In for sentence. "Have you any reason to o.rfor why he Judgment of the court should not !e passed tijon you?" he was asked. "Well. Jedge," be replied. "I rain't ?o to Jail now, nohow. I'm bulldin" a (hack out yonder, an' I Jus" cnln't go 111 I gtt It done. You kin sholy se lat." Philadelphia 8unday Evening Cost. |