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Show A GRATEFUL OLD MAN. Mr.W.D. Smith, Ethel. Ky, writes: "I have been using Dodd'a Kidney Pills for ten or twelve years and tbey have done me a great deal of good. I do tnot think I would be alive today If It were not for Dodd'a Kidney Pills. I trained my back about forty yeara ago. which left It very weak. I waa troubled with Inflammation Inflam-mation of the blad-W. blad-W. D. Smith. Qr. Dodd'a Kidney Pills cured me of that and the Kidney Trouble. I take Dodd'a Kidney Pills now to keep from having Hackache. I am 77 yeara old and a farmer. You are at liberty to publish thla testimonial, and you may use my picture In connection con-nection with It." Correspond with Mr. Smith about thla wonderful remedy. Dodd'a Kidney Pills, 60c. per box at your dealer or Dodd'a Medicine Co., Huffalo, N. T. Write for Household Hints, also muslo of National Anthem (English and German words) and recipes reci-pes for dainty dishes. All 3 tent free. Adv. |