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Show : SECURING EGGS IN AUTUMN I ! Hent Penned In Large Dry Shed and I Fed on SmAll Grain and Seecia I Do Well. All during the spring, and the early 'art of the summer, we fed our hens ui a mixture tH pure win at bran and oiii hearts meal -about equal pints, nitli giain only three or four times a ""'li - ail they thrived on it, mid laid cll. Hut, aa the autumn si ason Mine on they seemed to g. t tired of t, and to scratch the ui;'uie from he bins as much as possible, and to et m to he Koti'g Into ally moult --icppirg laying almost intiicly, nays i writer In the D, sert Farmer, Fspo- l-.lly has this 1 n true of our Dtg- uorns; mid so we put our thinking aps on to devise a plan to hold ihein ap to the lay.ng scrnti h to some i x tent nt b ast daring Hie early autumn. 1 And so, with this objt ct In view, and j large dry kIihI that was slatted up ill mound available, we corraled a i Joen or two of our leghorn hens.! and put them In the shed em Injure, , ilth rooming provided therein. Tlun ' ! i ' fJ I V I Standard Brown Leghorn Male. we IlitPred the ground well with traw and other trash, and began feeding feed-ing them with small grain mid seeds In there for them to work out, and of I i morning; und evt tilng we give them ' good fr'Cd of fresh white clover j lathered hllt tho dew Is on It. This ByHtem we find Is rallying :hem greatly. |