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Show SHERIFF'S SALE. - ' In the District Court of the Fifth Ju- dleial District of tha Stata of Utah In and for tha County of Millard. Spalding Livingston Investment Cora puny, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Floyd , VV. Pierce and James A. Melville, trus-) trus-) tors, defendant. To be aold at sheriff's sale on Satur-' Satur-' Jay, April 12th. 1913, 'commencing at the hour of nine o'clock a. ni., at the east front door of the County Court House In Fillmore City, Millard County, Coun-ty, Utah, the following described real i extate and water rights for the same, 1 il mated In Millard County, Utah, to-wit: to-wit: Lot three, section 31, township 16 louth, range 7 west. 8. I M.. with the 1 water rights belonging thereto. D. 8. DORRITY. J It., Sheriff. March 13-27. WANTED. A tenant with good team and tools, to take charge of 160 acres, 4 miles east of Oaala. The land practically level and V of It farmed last year. Will build nous and put down well and pay for leveling land, furnish seed and cut Will either hire work done or lease. Ground was well broken In December. See the Editor of the Chronicle. M. DRESSER, Editor and Proprleto Subscription Pries 12 par Year, Mentha 11.21 Advertising Rates. Cards, t per inch per month; dla ,lay ada 10c per Inch, single column sr moaUL Discount for large space Reading aoUcea 10 centa per line first insertion, I cents each subsequent In ertloa. SJatered as Second-class matter July 14, 1110. at the post office at Dolta, CUa, andsr act of March 3, 1879. alt Lake Office, 203 S. W. Temple St A automatic yji , J V V lift rjf iiSj 1 i j ft , 1 pL" .-1 , H ftXMSi It MAWERnSfcJ BALI BEARING . Q 1 II BALL KMINQ THE FREE SEWING MACHINE BISHOP & WALLACE CO., Agents DELTA. UTAH DOfl'T MISS THIS OPPOtlTDfllTY You can get from us, while they last, tha following articles at prices here quoted: Eight bars Diamond C Soap 25o Hewletta Three Crown, Japan Tea, per pkg 18o Jumbo Coffee, In bulk, regular price 35c, now. 25c Westen's Cooks Pride Coffee (None Better): 30-cent grade per lb., now 25c 40-cent grade per lb., now 30c Several pieces prints, Foulard style Suitings, now 6c per yd. Never Fail Oil and Gasoline Cans, containing pumps, only $1.75 each. DAMRON & HAWLEY, Descret, Utah A SALE ON HATS I 3 IS NOW GOING ON AT THE Golden Rule Store Good S2.25 Hats now going for S1.75 Good Si. 75 Hats now going for SI. 2 5 Good $1.50 Hats now going for $1.10 Similar reductions on all other Hats, and as good p PO DAY bargains in other goods as you wUl find any vJCWs Ui I where. Call and be cony tnc 4 DELTA, UTAH WHY WE ADVERTISE BECAUSE we want the people to know what Una of goods we handle. BECAUSE every article we handle has the manufacturers' name en It and can be relied upon. BE-CAUSE BE-CAUSE we handle only first clasa goods that are not shop worn or defective. BECAUSE we have a large and complete stock to select from. BECAUSE we have the only exclusive hardware and sporting goods house In the county BECAUSE we have a larger stock of these goods than willbe found In all the other stores combined. BISHOP & WALLACE CO., DELTA. Tha House of the Sherwin-Williams Palnta and Vamiahes. Spring is on the Way! And ao are our new seeing goods. We re showing some new things In GINGHAMS, CALICOES. FERNDALE CORDS and other DRESS GOODS that will please the ladles. OUR STOCK IN ALL OTHER DEPARTMENTS IS COMPLETE AND OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. R. J. LAW DELTA Wet Weather Goods i Now Is the time you need something to keep yr ft dry. We carry all klnda of rubbers for men, wo met and children. The best In town. Also the celebrated Miner's Bullseye rubber boots. No wear out to them. GOLDEN RULE STORE DELTA, UTAH I FOR SALE, A team of horses, harness and wagon all for f 150. See the editor. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Diatrict Coui I of tis Flftn Judicial Ju-dicial District of the State or Utah In and for the County of Millard. I'tah Hanking Company, a corporation, corpora-tion, plaintiff, vs. Eda It. Kmpson, Irrigated Irri-gated Lands Company, a corporation, and William I). Uvingston, trustee, defendants. de-fendants. To bo sold at sheriff's sale on Saturday, Satur-day, April 12th, 1913, rommenrlug at the hour of uln o'clork a. ni., at the east front door of the County Court House, In Klllmore City, t'tah, the following fol-lowing described real estate and water right for the sunie. situated In Millard County, I'tah, to-wlt: S. V. U of the S. W. M of section 17. township 16 south, range 7 west, 8. L, M., together with 40 shares of the capital capi-tal sKM k of the Abraham Irrigation Co., a Utah corporation, representing the water rights for the same. Also N. K. 4 of 8. W. 4 of section 17, township 18 south, range 7 west, 3. L. M., together with 40 shares of tboj! capital stock of the Abraham Irrlgatlo.i Company, a Utah corporation, representing repre-senting the water rights for tbe same. Also 8. E. Vi of S. VV. of section 17, township 16 South, Range 7 West, 3. L. M together with 40 shares of the j capital stock of the Abraham Irrigation Co., a Utah corporation, representing the wsler rights for the same. I). 8. DOKITY, JR.. Sheriff. . ' March 13 27. SEED GRAIN. First class red chaff wheat and kherson oata for seed. A. LKUTIIAUSKR. Delta. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the District Court of the Fifth Judicial Ju-dicial District of the State of Utah in and for the County of Millard. Spalding Livingston Investment Company, Com-pany, a corporation, plaintiff, va. Herman Her-man A. Oestrlct and James A. Melville, trustees, defendants. To be sold at sheriff's aale on Satur-lajr, Satur-lajr, April 12th. 1813, commencing at . tbe hour of nine o'clock a. m. at the ast front door of the County Court House. In Flllmor City, Millard Coun-ty, Coun-ty, Utah, tb following described real rtat and water rights for the same, iltuated In Millard County, Utah... to-ait: to-ait: 8. E. U of 8. W. 44 section 31, town- i ihlp It oouth. range 7 west, g. L. M., with tbe water rlgbu belonging there- to. 1 I. 8. DORRITY. JR., Sheriff. March 13-27. TO TRADE. I have twenty elands of bee. Will trade for any kind of grain. V. KELLY, DeoereL ALFALFA SEED FOR SALE. I have a quantity of alfalfa seed for sal cheap, from Sc to 10c per pound. " Write or phone Geo. Y. Croft, Deaeret. f 41 TP ay Cash and "Pay Le We ssll for cash and can ssvs you money. No big losses on bad debts which the good customer has to psy. Besides, we buy In large quantitiss and can buy cheaper than the fellow who buye from hand to mouth. We have a large assortment of sseds for that spring garden. Buy the BLISS EVERBEARING PEAS, proven the best for this locality. One planting and they bear all summer. Plant MANGEL WURZELS, a big producer here we have the aeed. PLENTY OF THE KENTUCKY" BLUE GRASS FOR THE LAWN We have plenty of the barb and barbless wire. We also have a car of woven wire fence on the road ani will be able to supply your wants in thla Una. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CAR OF IDAHO RURAL8 POTATOES They are good for aeed and fine for the table. PRATT BROS. HINCKLEY, UTAH A Sears & Roebuck Catalogue Doesn't tell all the story. Yeu cent see what you are buying. Veu hsve ne variety to aee and select from. Yeu cant eaehange If unsatisfactory. Yaw pay before you get the goods. Buy Goods from us, Because Qusllty considered we sell aa cheap aa maif order houses. Our guarantee la back of everything wo sell. Defective Defec-tive or goods not as represented will be oxohanged. You dont pay until you aee and take your goods. You hove a large variety to choose from, Aa samples of goods ehesper than mall order houses sell for we offer 0e BROOMS FOR 40c ALL OUTINGS, 7a and So DRESS GINGHAMS So CALICOES. So APRON GINGHAMS So. SHOES 20 PER CENT OFF, Hinckley Co-op". Hinckley DRAY ! AND TRANSFER LINE ; Baggage, Express, Freight ! delivered to any I part of town Ueaty Teaming and llano Moving done with care and dispatch B. E. Cooper, Delta, Utah j I HIT Hll 'I TT" . - Holds t!o Worltl'sReeerd for dov I , ' m skimming in 4J ""''; yi conwu.ive rum tt-;"vH tt-;"vH tenilingoverapori.id ( Vt (SO days wi b nuik V -if Uom tea bcrctls of 1 f3L C" Thii h to1" Jj, nulaUe pruuf that Btf His lle moat prcCta-Jr prcCta-Jr V blesrparatoryonrso, o.Vt5) Whynetosk j us to show you 7 HINCKLEY CO-OP., AGENTS Hinckley, UUh. Delta Cleaning and Pressing Co. ; Suits Cleaned and Pressed Work equal to that done anywhere Work by the month SUM All work guaranteed Clark Street Market, Delta C H. RICHARDS, M. D. Pkyskua and Sorf era Calls from all ports of the County promptly attended tp 3ELTA - - UTAH |