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Show Pratt Bros, have just got In a car of need potato? that they can recommend recom-mend to farmers.. They are also getting get-ting In a supply of wire netting of different dif-ferent heights for fencing. They are also carrying a big atock of bhmU and gulden tools. In fact you can always find everything you want at Pratt's. E, J. Itehler'a seven yesr-rdd daughter, daugh-ter, Hnrletta, sustained a severe fracture frac-ture of her ankle last Saturday by falling fall-ing off a hay stack. Dr. Urouddus was called for the second sec-ond time to Leamington last Sunday to attend Mrs. Parley Rider, who Is suffering suf-fering from blood poisoning following child birth. He has little hopes of her recovery. S. T. Sinclair Is fixing up a place eaat of Hinckley to go Into poultry raising on a large scale We know no country better udapted for this Industry. Indus-try. The dry, warm climate, ,the light and sandy soil and the abundant forage for-age and the near-by market for poultry and eggs makes It a safe and profitable business. Those who engage In It should remember that It coats no more to raise pure bred poultry with a record for egg laying or weight than It does to raise scrubs which yield only half t be profit. jlXUS OF OUR NEIGHBORS - esaasM ' i bdhtbEior to His Weekly Rocsds The editor paid a visit to the Millard Academy this week and was pleased with what he saw and heard. There U an attendance of over 125 and work in every department la xolng forward for-ward with satisfaction to both teach er and students. We talked with quite a number of students and all ex- Stressed themselves as satisfied with be progress they are making and the personnel of the faculty. We visited .the domestic science department and found it well equipped with modern apparatua for alt kinds of cooking. Miss Snow, the teacher, told us that nearly every one of the young ladles o5.th academy Is enrolled in this department, de-partment, and are doing excellent work. We attended a session of Mr. Peterson's class In agriculture and found an Interested lot tjf students learning about the effect of water on the soil. We learned that about 90 per cent of the atudents are studying agriculture. agri-culture. In the manual training department de-partment under Mr. Spend love we found many excellent specimens ol wood work and a model of house framing. fram-ing. About 90 per cent of the students are also enrolled here. We think these three departments count for the most In the education of farmers' boys and girls. Even If they do not go any farther, and probably not more than five per cent of the graduates will, they have learned something of great practical prac-tical value. We are certain that the parents of these students will fH l that the money they bave spent In this kind of education has been a good Investment Invest-ment We are sure the results will justify a much larger attendance next term. ". rj'-Metsgar j.hehotographer, hat T&nusythe pair week taking pnotoi of students and faculty and Interloi views for use In the forthcoming yeai book. Every picture la a sample ol high clasa photography. Mr. Metzgei will be In Hinckley for a few weeki longer and every one who wanta firs) class portrait or view photographi should avail themselves of the service! of a photographer who thoroughly un derstand his business. The Hinckley Co-op. tells some ol the reasons why you should buy from your local dealer rather than a mail order bouse. It Is poor policy to send your money away for goods unless you are certain the local dealer asks more for the same goods. Take In the next order you propose to send away to Sear A Roebuck and see If the local dealer can't duplicate It. Even If It Is a little higher the quality is probsbly better, and then you bave a chance to pick and choose and exchange If not satisfactory. The people of Hinckley are taking advantage of the present fine weather to make improvements In the streets. Tbey are hauling sand on the sidewalks side-walks ao they will not be muddy when wet weather comes. They do not hsve money to do this work but the people contribute their labor. A street full of chuck boles, broken flumes and mud holes and lined wltb weeds makes a very poor Impression on visitors and prospective Investors. We ar bappy to say our neighboring towns do not suffer from this condition. The Pawkoon Wall Tinting Co. Is preparing: to get in some special machinery ma-chinery to crush, dry and bolt their raw material Into kalaomino and paint. They Lav sad considerable difficulty In finding out Just what kind of machinery ma-chinery la necessary to handle large amounts of material and put It la just the right condition, but they think they have bow solved this problem. Analysis Analy-sis shows that they bavs the 'purest and most perfect material for kaiso-mlne kaiso-mlne to be found anywhere. Tom Pratt saya that be has tried It for paint, tad by simply mixing It wltb oil It give a glossy and wearing surfsc equal to any mineral paint on the market mar-ket There waa a scare at the school bouse last Saturday evening. Mr. Johnson John-son waa at work In the office and on going to turn out the gasoline lamp be turned the wick the wrong way. A tream of burning gasoline flew out jn the floor and the room seemed to be la flame. Help aa called, the gasoline gaso-line supply waa shut off from the hollow hol-low wire system and a few buckets of filer extinguished the Hams with no further damage than a scorched floor |