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Show M. W, DRESSER, Editor and Proprietor, Subscription Price S2 par Year, Months 11.29 Advertising Rates. Cards, 1 per Inch per month; display dis-play ada tOo per Inch, single column, pt moat. Discount for large spacs. lUaalaf aotlces 10 cents per line Brat rasertioa, I cents each subsequent Insertion. In-sertion. Catered as Second class matter July 14, 1110, at the post office at Delta, -Ctah, under act of March 3, 1879. alt Lake Office, 261 S. W. Tsmple 8L UJL'll , . ..-J CITY LOTS FOR SALE. The Melville Irrigation Company of fers for sale all their lots in the Delta Townsite. They ara located In different dif-ferent parts of the townsite and buy-' buy-' ch can be suited in both price and locution. Information can be furnished by uny of the directors or EIX1AR V. JEFFERT, Secretary. 1 Almost any man can succeed if he has a little good sense and a little good nature. 8EED GRAIN. I have some first class red chafT wheat and good oats suitable for seed. ANDREW KISZELK, West lxdta. FOR SALE OR RENT. ' All or a part of 160 acres In West Delta. SO acres In brush. Also 75 head of shoats for sale. See or phone I H. MOULTON. West Delta. Wife My husband Is not well. I'm afraid he'll give out. ' Wife's Mother Well, lie may give out. He certainly never gives In. Exchange. 30 DAYS ONLY In order to make room for our Spring Goods, we will for 30 days make the following big reductions Man's $2.73 Rival Hats S 2.40 Men's $2.25 Queen City Hats 1-90 Men's $9.00 Suits 6.00 Men's $11.00 Suits 8 00 Men's $17.50 Suit 15.00 Men's $20.00 8ults 16.00 DAMRON & HAWLEY Deseret 444tt Pratt's Big Bargain Week! Sale Commences Monday, Feb. 10th; Closes Saturday 1 5th $ J Our Shoe Stock i too lar9 and in order to clean up our stock we are making- extremely bw prices. All leather goods 1 are advancing. Our Shoo Sab gives you a chance to fit out I 2 the family before Shoes go ont of sight. J Uijr values in Men's $-'1.00 Dress Shoos at $2.19 2 Men's $:J.K.- Fine Shoe $2,19 9 Women's if 2.75 to f'5.00 Shoes $1.98 I Hoys' ;2.73 Shoe $1.95 $ 5 Hoys' 1.7) Shoes . 99c (hrW $2.00 Shoes at $1.10 I TEN PER CENT OFF ALL SHOES IN REGULAR STOCK. $ I Making XW Shoes $2.70 t 1 2.00 Shoes $1.80 J 2.2T Shoes $2.00 2 Men's 'J.25 Cordnroy Pants $1.75 Z 1 Men's $15.00 to $18.00 Suits $10.50 t Men's $14.00 Suits . 9.00 J A few Men's Separate Coats and Vests, $12 value $7.00 2 2 Hoy' $7.00 Suits $4.25 1 f A Splendid Lot of Men's Dress Shirts 39c t 4 pair Men's Canvas Gloves .25o 4 yards Calico 25c 2 .1 cans Teas 25c 2 f Tomatoes, per ease $2.(10 t (Worth Wholesale $2.75) 2 One $7.00 Heater $3.98 2 One Douhle-traee Harness, repular $15, at ..$42.75 2 f One $:W.0() Kange . . $32.00 I PRATT BROTHERS - HINCKLEY, UTAH tte44V4 BIG REDUCTIOnS Oil ALL 171 f IT Eli" DRY GOODS GOLD EH RULE STORE To make room for our Spring Stock Call in and sec the Special "Bargains We arc OJifcrtng GEORGE DAY - - DELTA- ly YOU NEED HARNESS Why not get the best? We carry it. Heavy Leather Harness of the hest make. Chain Harness and Light Single Harness. A full supply of Collars. CALL AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE GOT. BISHOP & WALLACE - DELTA FREE TO ALL CUSTOMERS A large and handaome mirror. Every cash purchaser gets a ticket for the amount of hie purchate. Return $45.00 worth of these and get the mirror absolutely free. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARMENT AND PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT R. J. LAW Delta The Kelly Hotel j Newly built and newly furnished fur-nished throughout. Clean and comfortable rooms and an excellent table for regular and transients borders. Wm. Kelly Proprietor Clark Street - Delta t ) Is the only : ' tf Ensured; X- Sewing- 1 (P . Machine -vcX Jut ThlnH of It? j Tut Frt Sowing Mjrhin in in- y j turn! frr h yen spamt srriilmt f i ! timg anil wntf-r. Tlu shows our I" '; faith in ' r ; "CFREE : e Sewing Machine 1; .km -Sii H r i? mt n4 Tmm Pat t4l. Wl.t snMiMMiii. .) il '! M , m aw X wir miUN tfci tm t' fm viifcm ctvf. f BISHOP & WALLACE. Agente. DELTA. VTAH C H. RICHARDS. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Calls front all parts of the County prtmiptl; aUftuW to Clfict ia Dntf Slort CELT A, UTAH , 7 q ' 'Great' I Stock Redmcing Sale g.'ia,r--uJ',jffi ii 1 i...... i"T'ir '",."J!: -Hjutx..-. I Beginning Tuesday, February 18 I We must have room for our new spring I goods and are slashing prices to bedrock I Our loss your gain come early and avoid the rush- Some of our bargains: Sugar $6.00 per sack, 14 lb, S1.00, White Launcfry I soap 6 bars for 25c, Luncta Coffee 3 cans for $1.00, Five papers of 3 Crown Tea only S1.00, 31b Mc Donald's assorted wrapped Candies only 50c. K Our great stock of Men's. Women's, and Children's shoes at 25 per cent dis- II count Think of it, a $5.00 shoe for only $3.75, a $4 00 for only $3.00. Ladies and Childrens Coats and Men's and Boy's Suits. Some excellent values I at 25 per cent off our regular prices. Come and inspect our line and fit up at I our expense. I Get one'fifih off on all piece goods, apron ginghams and calicoes, lawns, etc I Our splended assortment of ribbons must be reducedj buy them while they I last at a reduction of 25 per cent I We also announce to the trade that we hare installed a Bowser Filtering and I Storage Tank for Gasoline. Demand the best and buy where they also have I a full stock and can supply you. I HINCKLEY CO-OP. J HINCKLEY. UTAH |