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Show IDEM) DEPOSED BTJIJX DIAZ NEPHEW OF FORMER PRESIDENT NOW HAS PRACTICAL CONTROL OP MEXICAN CAPITAL. Mutinous Troops, Led by 8tudenta, Free Rebel Leaders from Prison and After All Day Fighting Fores Madero to Quit City. Mexico City President Francisco Madero, with bis inlniKtera and a ttrong detachment of loyal troops, was driven to tJie national palaoe Sunday night and later forced to leave the city, while General Felix Muz wUh a large majority of the regular Milnd him has practical control of h capital. Ijiter Madero returned to die notional 'iwJaco, after leaving his wife In a place of aafety, and duclaws be wilt flicht to the death. General Dlai, who Is the nephew f the depneed president, Portlrto t)la, low Is at the bead of a majority of the capital troops, Including most of the artillery, and U In poaaenion of Uie arsenal In the city and the pow-Jer pow-Jer works nearby. The day was marked by four separate sep-arate engagements, tha mottt sanguln-try sanguln-try of which took place In ront of Die national palace. JliH tho most Important Im-portant was that which terminated tn the formal surrender of the troops li the artillery barracks. It Is believed that not leas than 200 persons were killed In the fighting. Imong the number was Cenerul Her-lardo Her-lardo Iteyen, a strong adherent of "orfirlo Ilia and ex-secretary of war. The mutinous troops were ld by (indents of tho military schcKil at rialpam, a suburb. They marched to he prixon to which (ienoral Felix Mux has been transferred for safe- RESIDENT FRANCISCO MADERO. ) 7 ''-"'A.- --fx ' . V ,- : ' H , ,.'"' W ..i 1 - j i f-' i ..-.. The president of Mexico who is re- rted to have been driven from the I ipltal by nephew of Porflrio Dlax. eplng and released him. General ernardo Heyes was also free! from 1 inllairo military prison, there being I ) rewlstance In either quarter. To the army of the mutineers quirk- i came portions of the Mnt cavalry, i wenty fourth cavalry and Twentieth I fan try General Manuel Mond rain, ra-in, retired, was in command, but 1 ive way to Generals Llax and Heyes At 1:30 o'clock the flret encounter Ith loyal troops w eurrtwi in front of e national palw-e and General Keves, hose ionf rw-ord Ss au army officer as broken more tnan a year ago by farclal revolt, was killed Instantly ' a'bullwt through the head. Many fell in tills engagement and nong the sxres of bodies which rewed the stress were thoee of I nor officers, women and boys of e lower claeees end members of the eat crowd of specttors which hod iinere-d at the firing or the first shot Fighting continued eJI throuli the iy, and Madero s dm iaion to flee. It said, followed U knowledge that nerai Itlanquet. who ha4 arrived Ith a small portion of his force, was iwUilng to Oght General Felix Dlax. A tragic sequence of the death of nersl llrnAro Keyes In the flght-g flght-g Kunday waa the su'.clde of bis son. dolfo. lie aiuH hlmaelf throiuh e head. IVeeldcnt Madero displayed great Tsonai bravery during the fighilng led his supiiorter. and on one oc-slon, oc-slon, on a gray horse, daahed asalnt s enemies' machine guns with an al-imt al-imt reckless abandonment of lUe Madero haui endeavored to follow a nrtliatory policy toward the ma Icon-nte Icon-nte and nert-r at any time has be I need any of the traits that made ax so much feared and permitted f m to rule Mexico with an iron hand, f |