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Show SETTING TABLE TO DO HONOR TO ST.WNTINE S' 0MEH0W or other, Cupid never seems hslf so busy as at St. Valentine's day. Then the little god of love holds full sway. How Cupid came to be connected with the idea of St. Valentine's day Is rather vague. There has been a current belief be-lief for ages that on the fourteenth of I February the birds choose their mate; possibly that la the origin of the Idea. St Valentine lived In the third century, cen-tury, and ever since that period hi birthday, the fourteenth of February, a been named In hi honor. Formerly It was the custom on 8L Valentine's eve to drop an equal number num-ber of names of young men and women wom-en In a box. The maiden w hose name waa drawn wa presumed to be the young man's valentine. This wa considered con-sidered an omen predicting the happy termination of a love affair. The old fashioned valentines were usually "home-made," with the verses written especially for the person they were Intended for and conveyed many real affectionate sentiments. Though the present valentines are factory made, and many thousands csn be bought of similar kind, surely the maiden of today welcomes the verses rlnted on lace paper and decorated llh hearts, or forget-me-nots, with much the same enthusiasm a did the girl of long ago, for a valentine I a message fragrant with love, or friendship, and cause many a heartthrob. heart-throb. The day which has an entrancing charm, especially for young people and children. Is a favorite occasion on which to entertsln friends. A Valentine's Valen-tine's psrty could be called a "hearty party." because hearts play such a prominent part In the decoration and games. "All the world loves a lover." So perhaps thst I the reason vslentlne affairs are so popular. With llttls expense one can. decorate a table for a valentine luncheon, or dinner, which will call forth expression of surprise and admiration. Send your Invitations on heart shaped card, or postal card valentines. valen-tines. If It Is to be a children's party, par-ty, buy a supply of candy mottoes at.d hide tbem In different places about the room, then allow 20 minutes for a merry hunt. Award a prize, some thing thst Is In keeping with tb event, to the one who collects ths grestest number. Another way to entertain the youngster young-ster I to have a large heart of paper pa-per with a email red heart In the renter. RUndfold each child In turn and ' who can pin a paper arrow n-arest the heart A unique way to choose partners for the supper Is msde by hsvlng an Immense heart of cardboard covered In red crepe paper. The girt Uke tarns In standing In front of the 'leart. while the boys march In front of them to the music of some lively song. When the plsyer stops suddenly sudden-ly the girl who Is framed In the heart becomes the partner of the youth In front of her. Red and whit have always been the acceptable color for decorating a valentine val-entine table, but Utterly there bss been a strong Indication towards pink. Cupid, heart, bow and arrows, are tb moat appropriate decora tloo for this bolldsy. "All the world loves a lover." no the more hearts and Cupids that svdora Ihe table. Ue prettier the iff sot win B The table Illustrated had two ruffle ruf-fle of crepe paper gathered around the edge of tho table a a soft background back-ground for the drapery of hearts cut out of red crepe paper In graduating size; tbesa heart were strung on red baby ribbon. Tbe candle shade were of white and red heart pasted on. The nut boxes were In the form of heart decorated with small cardboard card-board Cuplda. The place card are four Inch heart set In the corner of a glided card. The favor are three inch heart of white with a small red heart In the center. These heart are fastened to a glided stock and finished with a bow of red ribbon or crepe paper. The centerpiece Is suspended from the chandelier and Is made of three fourteen Inch hearts tied together with red baby ribbon. This forms sort of a Jack Horner bag, which can be used to hold valentine or souvenirs. souven-irs. String of smaller heart bang from the center. The large heart have an arrow pierced through them. For the menu carry out the "heart Idea." Tbe aandwlcbe can be cut heart shaped with a cookie cutter. The salad can bo decorated with hearts cut out of pickled beet. Tbe Ice cream can be crved heart shaped and decorated with candy hearts. A pretty cake has candy mottoes placed all over tho surface of the cake before be-fore the Icing Is hard. Each one has to read their motto aloud. Two rings are baked In the cake. The parties receiving re-ceiving the rings are supposed to be the next married. Decorations well worth the effort, and different from any other table, had for Its main decoration a char-lot char-lot placed In tbe center of the table. This chariot Is easily made of card board and covered with crepe paper, or a little toy wagon can be used, either glided or covered with fringed psper. The chariot I trimmed either with mll rose or carnation. A mall doll I dressed a Cupid with sash and wings made of Ciepe paper of tulle, flittered with gold. Tbe doll stands In the center of the chariot holding ritbons wblch'aro long enough to reach to each plate, a place card decorated with small cardboard Cupids Cu-pids holding a rose are attached to each ribbon. A small strip of paste board is pasted to tbe back of the card to form an easel so tbe cards stsnd up. The favor are attractive nosegay of artificial roaes, with tiny hearts hung among tbem. Tbe rose Idea can be carried out further by hanging garlands gar-lands of artificial roses around the table. On the place cards write a compliment com-pliment for each person commencing each word with the letter of their name, and let them find their place In that way. These Ideas msy help you to originate orig-inate others of your own. possibly no other festive occasion offers so many ways to decorate and entertain In a "hearty" wsy. The fsvors are small nosegays or artificial hearts with small heart hung among them. A valentine design In crepe paper I ruffled around the table ta-ble and finished with rrlndi of artificial arti-ficial flower. Candy Cupids are easily eas-ily obtained at this season of th year. The favors are small envelope containing heart mad or allk or paper. pa-per. Bom heart are large, while torn are email. Some are soft, and some are hard. All kinds or hearts which are supposed to be the heart fortune of the recipient The decoration for a valentine table ta-ble ran be mad with little expense, and as the work progresses yon will find yourself originating many nnlqu Idea. Every hostess alms to have her affair Just a UtUe btt different than previous one, and when your guest see th results of your effort with xcIamaUoo of admiration, yos win feel amply repaid. |