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Show Dear Keader: This is your corner. All questions submitted will be cheerfully cheer-fully and carefully answered, except those seeking medical advice. Namfis and addresses of business firms cannot be printed here, but will be sent if a self-addressed, stamped envelope accompanies the request. Questions are limited to two. Full name and address must accompany each tetter or no reply can be made. ' All communications are held strictly confidential. In requesting poems and songs, the correct title, the first line, or the name of the author is necessary in order to find them. Please send stamped, addressed envelope also with these requests, so they may be forwarded directly to you. Address letters very plainly, with pen and Ink, to Helen Brooks, Box 1545, Salt Lake City, Utah. gest some games to play or something to do that will be Interesting to the pujdls? Thanking you In advance. VSry sincerely Yours, C. L... Utah. Sorry you didn't tell me If your class Is composed of girls or boys, or both. A young gentleman friend of mine here who teaches a Sunday School class, suggeste that you have relay races, high Jumps, baseball games, broad Jumps, etc. He thinks even the girls can Join In these games. One game In which all can Join Is called Japanese Tag. The taller girls or boys can act as leaders. Have each girl or boy put his or her right hand on the shoulder of the one In front, holding the other hand behind his back; the leader then twists and turns about Into all sorts of shapes, the one behind following, fol-lowing, and those at the end trying to get hold of the leader. Another game the class might enjoy is passing a bean bag, or something of that sort. Choose sides and each side passes the bean bag from one end to the other and back to the beginner, as quickly as possible without dropping It. If It is dropped It must go back to the end and start over again. The one who gets through first wins the game. I hope these suggestions may be of some use to you. and wish yon and your pupils a very Jolly picnic. Dear Miss Brooks: Will you kindly settle an argument for me? Where is the largest pipe organ or-gan in the world located? How does the pipe organ In the Mormon Tabernacle, Taber-nacle, Salt Lake City, rank In size? Yours, INQUISITIVE. Murray, Ut. Olad to, Inquisitive. The largest pipe organ In the world Is located at Sidney, Australia. (2) The organ In the Salt Lake Tabernacle ranks second or third, and is known as the sweetest toned organ In the world, depicting the human voice as no other pipe organ has ever done. I wrote to you before and received satisfactory answers and hope I am welcome again. (1) What are the names of the latest dance records? (2) Is the name Juanlta an Indian name? Thanking you again for your good advice, BROWN EYES, Utah. (1) A few of the latest dance records rec-ords are: "Barney Google' "Old King Tut;" "You've Oot to See Mamma Every Night;""Yes.We Have No Bananas." (2) Juajiita Is a Spanish name. You are welcome. Dear Miss Brooks: Words are but weak things so I can not express my true appreciation for the results of your glorious efforts. But I will let them express as much as they are able to. I thank you very much for the two pieces I have received from you. I also would like to ask a few more questions as I feel your answers are quite satisfactory to others as well as myself. (I) I am not intending to start one right at present, but In the future 1 shall. Can you give me an idea as to the contents, material, quantity, quan-tity, etc., of a complete hope chest of the "good old-fashioned days?" (2) Can you tell me my age, education, talents, tal-ents, etc., by my writing? I hope you can by its recklessness and carelessness. careless-ness. Some day I will take more time and write much better. I wish you success and remain, trulv yours. "WILD KITTY." Salt Lake. Thank you very much, dear. You ne expressed it very nicely Indeed. H)I think the idea of a "hope chest" is for a young girl to put Into it articles ar-ticles for use in the new home she may some day have, as well as lingerie for her own wear. There Is no set rule as to what It should contain, the girl's circumstances largely governing this. Table linen, bed linen, silver, etc., are all appropriate, and if you are good at . BONGS AND POEMS RECEIVED The following songs and poems have been received during the past week, and I wish to thank each one for their kindness In contributing them: "Why Should I Cry Over You." "Tomorrow." "Are You From Dixie" "Just Because She Made Dem Goo-Goo Goo-Goo Eyes." "As Tommy Was Walking One Day." "Anchored." "Go and Leave Me, Never Mind." "In the Valley By the Mohawk." "Old Glory." "Farewell to Tou." (Aloha Oe) SONGS REQUESTED These songs and poems are on the requested and To-Be-Found list: "Those Days Are Over." "The Sinking of the Titanic:" "Sailing away, out of the bay. Went the Big Steamship Titanic." "Tell Me One Thing, Tell Me Truly." "The Yellow Rose of Texas." "An Old Spanish Waltz Love Song" "The Belle of Tennessee." "Kathleen Mavoureen" "If They'd Only Move Old Ireland Over Here." "Hiawatha's Melody of Love." "When Shall We Meet Again?" (Foem) "Tiger Lily." Dear Miss Brooks, . I have often thought I would write to you and when I read the letter from the "Questioner from Idaho" I thought I'd like to give my opinion on It. I have let the boys love and pet me, but never thought It really right to do so. But all the other girls did and they seemed to be more popular than I, so I thought I'd have to. I don't let every boy I go with pet me, but I have let some that I liked real well. I have often wished we could Just be good friends; laugh and talk and have a good time without being silly; but I am not much of a talker and neither were they, so I didn't know how to do dlfferenet and still have friends. But ' I don't believe In going too far, and I've gone far enough. That's why I'm sorry I ever started, and I don't know hardly how to stop now for I want them all for my friends. I know now It's wrong, and I don't want to become like the beautiful rose that was put where everyone that came along could fondle and smell it, until It became all' wilted: then nobody noticed It or wanted It. Iwant the boys to respect me, and I have heard girls say, whose brothers go with girls that let them love and fondle them, that they like them but don't respect them as much as they would If they would not allow I It; and when the boye get together they talk about the girls and tell who allows such things. A QUESTIONER FROM ARIZONA. Miss Questioner: I am neither IB nor married, but IS years old and what I call popular. You think you are popular because fellows go with you, kiss and pet you, and every night it's a different one. For my part I think you have a poor Idea of what is meant by "she Is a popular girl." I think, and so do my friends, that a popular girl must feel as much at home with old people and her father and mother, as she does with her young friends, and be aide to spend an evening even-ing with a good book or some sewing She must be refined and cultured, show good taste, and he pleasant company. Do not be common property and do not stay out so late that you run out of things to say and have to start kissing kiss-ing and petting to pass the time away. "UTAH," Logan. Dear Questioner: 1 can't believe you meant what you wrote. If yon were a boy you wouldn't would-n't want to marry a girl whose Hps are "free of charge" to all. would von? embroidering, hemstitching, etc.. It Is nice to make an article as you can, a set of dainty dollies, napkins, pillow slips, a brassiere, or anything that you care to make yourself, or to buy a piece of silver or a table cloth, a pair of linen sheets, some fine china anything like that can go into your hope chest even plrtures. sofa pillows, quilts you see the list Is endless. I would not have too large an assortment of lingerie, as the styles change so frequently that it would not pay you. (2) No. dear, I would not even attempt to do so. There are those who specialize In reading character, etc., by the handwriting, but I am not one of them. Sorry. The following songs which have been requested from time to time, may be had n the shops, hence I am unable to fur- "Familiarity breeds contempt," you know, and you lose the respect of people. You may say. "she lives in a small town," but I do not. When 1 go to a dance I never miss a dance ami I have a lovely time wherever I go, but I know that no kissing goes on. I love good, clean times and I have them. 1 am sure you will not always think this way any way, because you will get sick and disgusted with It. BELL, Utah. And now I think, perhaps, we have given all the space we should to these letters In regard to "petting." and pos-siliiy pos-siliiy I should add Just a word In order to put myself on record as opposed to this practice by young boys and girls, although I think perhaps' most of the objections have been voiced in the excellent ex-cellent replies that have been received from readers. One of the greatest objections ob-jections to the practice is that it makes the girl "common" nnd an object of tie-rislon tie-rislon hy the very hoys who encourage her to take part In it. These boys often talk aliout such girls and point them out to other boys as girls who are "easy;" and generally, when It comes to marrying, they fight shy of the girl who Is willing to Indulge In this qnes-tlonahle qnes-tlonahle pastime promiscuously. There Is no question of "love" about this pet-ting pet-ting It Is an Indulging of the senses only, 4nd Is demoralizing to boys ns well as girls. In every Instance those who have taken aides Ith the practice i of "petting" have aclmittted It can be I carried too far, and In so doing give the best possible, reason for not practicing prac-ticing it at all. Dear Miss Prooks, I have been delightfully Interested In your corner and as I'm alwavs lit need of help I would like to Join. I am teaching a Sunday School class and 1 plan o taking them plcnldng. Their ages are from Vi to II. Can you sug- tush them: Carolina Mammy. Love's Shir Those I'ayj Are Over. on t Make Me Oo to Bed, Tapa. And i'II He ('.nnd. Love Me and the World Is Mine. Old and Only In the Way. The Dying Nun. Iiylng Californlan. It's Naughty but It's Nice. Johnston Flood. Hear Miss Brooks. This Is the first time I have written to you for Information. (1) What Is the meaning of a stamp upside down on i letter? () What Is the mennlng of tho following names: Ivy, Florence, I.eatha. Alice and Leah. With lots of sueess. I remain, DAISY, Utah. (1) A stamp placed upside down on a letter, according to the stamp flirtation, means: On left corner, I love you; on riiptit corner. Wrsje no more. Vi) Florence Flor-ence means "blooming;" Alice means noble cheer." The rest of the names you mention have no meaning. You are welcome. Dear Mini Mrooks, I have read your corner f"r the flrnt time ami I am s ire ymj will ntiwuer a question or two for it e. I I f" s.: i r 1 friend Irmis'x on mak'uir troul,,. f, you, how can ioi stoj. i;? v.'.i I am fifteen yeiit-M olil. U it a rad thunr to go walking a Ith l.os? Wishing you much ! ens i'AIIIO y i ...is, liliiio. HI Sit'.,. oii tcl me nt '-.nit! al.-.oi what s.rt of tn.-ible fits girl i i-atii. lug .ci. nor .,v or th. fir ums'iiti t. I a HI H f ' . i ! I , ; t 1 1 1 ! -; T !;.!;, I : j - .lea.-, 4 . ,.:.t to s,i II. .i If p. ,,1,1,,, it i tl: 1 ' !. III'. V VV l V '. ' j. t ', ', , , J , -j . . M" M ! i i :i l m in I .' ..v:e t'.,. y ! II tl'l Ur ... ' I !,-; ' 'II" , I! ,t i, ,;.. j HlOtiO. Vol !,!).. I lot if .'.' p.., I, . : I cannot aim , . s ,. vi ii! i-rohaMj I '""ii cease trying to. (") It can do no j i arm to take a walk with a nuy once , in a while, I tLink. ! Iiear MIms Brooks. Km losc-d find the words as I have ; I hem, to -VII Mothor I'll lie Tlieis,"1 1 " "i "i 'il l. interest,.,! In your column, j and v. CI alwa-. he c,la,l to help you i lien I have tin,,.. At piei-nt I am ' !:..:. .!. .i '.nil with my ttir.oi eid.-.vt .i.t-mMi-:. !i. 4 whom I have ,,; 'ii f.r se-. csal years. "I. I. ," Idaho, It w,-i' vrv kind r.f you to take tune 'roiu , i,,; w Itli your iIhukM, is to ''"I 1 of the wanted n.juhs. and , ' I '. ' '' sin. ' tiiaiiKs, lienr Miss Hrooka, This Is the first time I have written for Information. (1) What are the ad. oresnes of the following: Wanda, Hawley, Vivian Martin. Mr. and Mrs. HoiikIhs Fairbanks, Thomas Melghan and Theodore Roberts? (!) Is It proper for a sir of fourteen t UM8 rouge, lip stick and powder? Wishing you lot of success I remain, TANSY, ft ah. (1) Thomas Melghan, Wanda llawlsy, ihco.lora Huberts. Laakv SMidU.e, 1M0 ln St. Ilollvwood. California; Mr. it'd M's t'.i;g!i.s Fairbanks, rick ford l-snlianks .tcdi. Ilollvwood. Calif; lvi,,n , Martin, Coldwyn Studios. Culver ' ,,y' ' 'i'f -) No. dear, much better lot. |