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Show i THE UTAH BUDGET The Socialists have placed a can-' can-' dldate in the field for mayor of Prove Hulldlng permits for Salt I-ake for the first nine months of 1911 show an aggregate of $2.2S3,yii0. An unusually large number of cat-tks cat-tks Is being shipped out of Snlt Lake this month to packing houses. The Oregon Short Line Is omu-me omu-me uc.Jng to bring in non union men from the east to tako the place of strikers. A 16-year-old boy whib riding a horse down Main tret in Salt Uike. ran down two young women, both being painfully Injured. Charged with having robbed the safe of a saloon In Salt Uike of fltio, l'eter S. Algenta, and George Cargadus, two young Greeks ar In the city Jail. The littl. son of Joseph Patterson of West Point is in a serious condition condi-tion with a shattered Jaw, the. result re-sult of having been kicked by a horse. Stricken with ptomalno poisoning, which is believed to huvo been the result of eating cauinsl salmon, Mrs. Kescia Itrown, sixty years of age, dltd suddenly m her homo in Salt Lake. Utah breeders of Jersey cattle formed an association In Salt I-uke lust week. The club will be affllated with the parent organization, the American Am-erican Jersey Cattlo club of New York City. tanners of Welx-r county and the people of Ogdcn city are now assured of a bountiful supply of water for years to cunie, through tho financing of the South Fork Canyon reservoir project. Pl.t) fully slapping one of his team horses on the leg when he went Into the stable at Ogden, 11. V. AUU u was kicked by the animal so severely that hU death resulted utmost immediately. im-mediately. The national baloon race of 1912 may bo started from Salt Iake City, an invitation to the Aero Club of America Am-erica having been wired Monday by II. X. ('limp;. ell, representing the Aero Club of Sail Utke. Ten Moab farmers who have taken up homesteads and desert claims In tha vicinity of 1-a Sal, San Juan county, coun-ty, have iKinled their water rights and organized a company for the irrigation ir-rigation of their lands. It is announced that work will be started on the trenches for the new gas syst in at Provo within the next fortnight, and that within six months the company will l furnishing the people of Provo with gas. There is a movement on foot to reservoir the surplus water of Cot-ton Cot-ton wood creek and thereby provide sufficient water to Irrigate about 2,-000 2,-000 acres of land situated in the immediate im-mediate vicinity of St. G orce. Kvery bridge In San Juan county, coun-ty, including the new steel bridge aorosa San Juan river, built by the state and county two years ago, have buen swpt away by the unprecedented unprecedent-ed floods of tho last few days. Mrs. HarrU't L. Clarke, one of trie pioneer women of I'tah, died at her In 'me in Eden last week. Mrs. Clarke Joined the Mormon church many years ago, in Michigan. With a small baud of plonetra she came to I'tah in 1848. Several hundred descendants of Orson Or-son and Parley P. Pratt, early apostl s of the Mormon church, gathered at the Granite stake tabernacle Monday afternoon to do hanor to their memory. mem-ory. There were 450 at tho banquet In the evening. At the semiannual convention of the Utah lteekcep ra association, held In Salt I-iie last week, a committee commit-tee was appointed to draft a law for presentation to the next session ol the legislature governing the apiary industry In the state. Rains durlgg the past week in the vicinity of Huntington have delayed farm operations and as a result con-rwierabl- damngo has been done to grain and allalfa seed which Is stilt in the field. The crops are estimated estimat-ed fully up to n -ruial. The famous "Abernathy kids," of Oklahoma, ged s vi n and nine, who first sprang ia:o fame as "pals of President Ko sev li," during his bear , hunts In the south. stoppd In Ogden j for a few hours one day last week i on their bug ride from New York to ' San Francisco. j Steps are biing tiken to insure a , county fair at Provo next year. It is ; pointed out that a county fair In th" j lat'er part of Se tember would aid ; materlaliy tri' gath ring an evhibit for the state fair, and the prize ruining exhlbi; would be taken at on' to the state fair. Granite Hhh school Is th only el-t.ci'lonal el-t.ci'lonal Institution in the state with f ident government, according to the j -! lelpal. J. K. Moss. Mr. Mos in-ii.:utid in-ii.:utid the system last year and it proved ik popular that it has been decided de-cided to retain the new plan. While trying to Imitate the feats of his older companions in sliding down the bannisters In fnnt of the Third ward chapel in Ogden. Ixn Carlos RU hards-in, four year-old son of J. E. Richardson, fell twelve feel to the pavement and austained a bad 17 fractured skull. Newhouse, the lively little mlnlni camp la the western prt of Ueavei county, is reaching such proportions of Importance that a strong move ment Is now on foot to incorporate tnd receive some of the advantages of a city. |