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Show i . 4 L I" . . 1 r !( (H. Vl,-mr Tre,l j "Ji.d Thin I the Piano we propose to give to the lucky euHtomer who get the Inrkv liutiiher. We kUc a Hike' with eveiy cah pnrt-hiiHe of ; 1. o the more you buy the more ticket you gel, and 1he belter chance you have. j Our atoek of Kda I complete In every depart merit. Our fall diy good have arrived and we have a Hplemlld Hriiuirt mcnt of Ladies' Ores (loud. Winter Ptiderwear, Hoot and Shoe, llatH and Cap, j KverythltiK In the Grocery line, Kitchen Ware, etc. I Headquarters for all Farm Implement! and Machinery. Trade with ua and get a chance for that $500 Piano. ! DELTA MERCANTILE & IMPLEMENT COMPANY I HKLTA, UTAH FOR SALE. One fourhorxe preaa drill coating $14t will be aold for $7.". Four hore power gaaollne engine, coat f 1 34 tut !!(). Two ateel harroAa, cont $19..'.C i-ach, for $10. A tent houne PixlS feet with fly, coHt $ 1 ). will aell for $!). A liorae, cart and barneHa for f"0. Koine light furniture. Machinery lined only ullghtly. Will aell for catth or triid for city pro(wriy; alno 4n acres ol alfalfa laud fenced and with a Itowini well. J. W. lt()l!H, ' Tent houae north of Delta Hotel C. A. Broaddus.M D. Physician and Surgeon Occuliit DF.SKHirr -0 Ut 10 a. m. niNCKLKY Afternoona at tbo tatth Drujf .Store. rrtoNM at mrrn omtw James Alex Melville Attorney-at-Law DELTA - - UTAH ! OUR GREAT CASH OPENING SALE On Ot tober lat we change from credit to cash. In order to inaugurate in-augurate this change we Mill make a big sacrlllie of our piotlls. The follow IriK are few of the very low price we are muklug The Womena Mayflower line of tine tthoea, reg. 12..'. at f2.."0 The "(in-ateat Line' of Women' Khv. reg. $2.20 at 1.H9 Men's Nutciai ker Shoes, $2.7.1 at 2 M Men's Pluck Line, $:.2.1 at 3 00 Misses $20 Shoe Ot 1.7.1 Misses $1 t;0 and $t.7.1 Shoe at l.fjtl lloi $2.7.1 Shoe 2 r,(i lloyi $- nd $2.1.1 Shoe ut 1.7.1 Hoys' $1.7.1 Shoe at I. in Child' $1.2.1 and $1.:!0 Shoes at I 10 Child' $l.oo SIMM at si Child' Hoe Shoe at .. Child' 7.1c Klioea at il'.t Men'a and boys' Kul.s, nearly all new goods; many nobby patterns, all go at a 10 per cent off and better. Men's $11 on Hulls , $13.21 Men' $14.00 Suit 12 2.1 Men' $12 .10 Kult DUO All 12'2c Outing Flannel lie All 10c Outing Flannel !c Men' lllb Overalls K!lc Men' Waist Overalls Kite Youth' Itipprool Overalls .lite 1 Hoy Proof Overall f.'c Like Dud's ... , 4e 40c Itrooms, 3.1c; Mr Ilrooma, 4; iU)c Ilrooum, f,,le. Thl aale commences Tuesday, October I' and end October lith. You cannot afford to mis this money aavlng sale, Tbla mean a square deal for ne man with the cash. PRATT BROS. HINCKLEY, UTAH FANNIE L. TERRY "Dressmaker Coats a. Specialty Suits made to order HINCKLEY .... lTAII ERASTUS JOHNSON - J.E.PEm CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS N ob loo larga, non too small DE5HKKT ... UTAH W. L. Lockyard Watchmaker and Jeweler Will soon tie ready for buaiiie in the new building- adjoining the Delta Mercantile A Implement Co. All Kind of Watch and Clock H-palr-injr. I also expect to carry a line of WaU-hea, Clock. Jewelry, Lie. Jirinjf your work to in . DELTA - UTAH DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN? NOW IS YOUR. CHANCE We have just opened up a larj;e assortment of Old KnjrlUh Gray Steel F.nameled Ware. Most of the useful article iu thl a"rtmi-rit will lie sold al Lie cents. Good Water fail and Pii-sei vinjf Ketilea, only Til) cent eaclu The Pickling Reason is now cominif on. We have VINf'.OAU made eH-cially for pick I in- purpose. You like gaiod Pickles Pick-les that will keep well: then buy your VINKGAK of us. Foe cheap shoe and bat see our economy counter. I DAFfinOH & HflWLEY . . DESERET in S. W. Harder & Son We carry the Celebrated SUNFLOWER SHOE All ii'i) al the low mI pricai Dreu i Work Sln'rtj, Hals & Underwear For Mra sad Boyi LaJiet furnhheJ with everything from a hairpin to a feJJing Jteu Leamington Utah I ' We'll Treat You Right! Ultrlher you buy only a fmw boards or order compid hnua bill. BAKER LUMBER CO, J. tl. VNorks. Manager F. Ilar h, Mnner Uf.LTA OAS S I 1 - Verne .Bartholomew VETERINARY SURGEON Calls made to any part of the County Charge Reasonable Phon at Rsudaece Fillmore - Utah &latf Bank nf (Oasiu Doe a Cenetal Banking business sod solicit your patronage, felereat mm Sariaga CeUectien Mad Meeay TraaHnltleJ Aarwksre C O. W. PICRSON. CASHIER I . I WRATH ALL & BENSON Have a lare and improved Well Drilling outfit And are prepared to put down well of any dimensions from to inch. We have le-n B-re'ully drilling1 wells for ei.-hte.-n year and believe c.o give entire satisfacUOn. We Sink Wells to Any Depth If you snt an well driving done, rail on or aJdres us at HINCKLKY. A. D. RYAN. C. C Survey Ing Mapping tmrnm kam Wr tm PCSLRET VTAH |