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Show MARKED UP'.A 0 TREND OF THE COST OF LIVING Federal Bureau of Labor's Report of Investigation of Prices Shows Everything Every-thing at Top, Nothing on Decline. Washington. The most marked upward up-ward '.rend of tho coHt of living Is dlscloiied lu it,ho federal bureau of labor's lab-or's report of an lnvei.Ululloti of prices for (ho lust ten yours conducted conduct-ed In the liiijHiiiuiii lndustriul centers of thirty". o slntm. Fifteen important articles of food, hs well as coal, comprising two-thirds of a worklngman's needs were Invest!-gutcd. Invest!-gutcd. In many l:ltM the Investigators Investiga-tors gathered statements of merchants mer-chants on the cost of living and specimens speci-mens of these are published In the reiion'j, On June 15. 1912, the report shaws fourteen of tho fifteen articles of food were hlKheT than a year before, and ten had advanced In the last ten years more than fifty inr cent over the aver-ue aver-ue price for the preceding ten years. Durlnjr the List decade, prices of jk-ta'oea jk-ta'oea changed most and siiKar the least. Their advances were 111.9 and 8.5 per cent resiH'citlvely. During the hist year, bacon, which decreased just one-tenth of ono per cent, was the only mo of the fifteen articles of food that showed a decline, while nine of the fifteen advanced more than two iter cent, varying from 2 4 per cent for milk to IS 6 for round sleak. Of tho fifteen, only enrgs, butter, milk and suxiir were Ipner, but the price of three of !jiee four Is normally normal-ly lower In summer than In winter. |