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Show A Hunting Story. An old backwoodsman that Abra-hum Abra-hum Lincoln often told of had very heuvy, over bunging eyebrow a, and wore big spectacle with brass rim One day lio came ruwlilug Into his c:ililn and seizing bin ride, aimed It carefully through a crack of the door at a great oak tree that stood near, and fired. What Is It?" whispered his wife. "A wildcat. Sulry," lie mild, excitedly, ex-citedly, "an' 1 missed him!" Ho hastily loaded and lired again, and then again. "Now, hold on, Joshua," mild hi good wli. "IM me look at yon. Why. laws a daisy. It's noihln' hut a little bug on one o' your eyebrows !" Housekeeper. |