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Show 'qi'MiPa ENDS i.i T.V.8SBY Mrab Ma.i Kit's DjV;.- :tJ Sen In-Law, In-Law, Following Qu.nrre t a O.irice, Afterwards Defyira Pc:s. Moab'. rtah-This l lulty !s highly wrought up over ore of the m ist stailllng tragedies in I s hlt try. Har-r Har-r ended in his ran h h: use after killing kill-ing J. K. DnboW, h'.M H.in In-law, and i.is own daughter, Jo'.n F.. Itrown, a rich cattleman und commissioner of Grand county, defied the officers to arrest him, for twenty hours, but finally fin-ally surrendered. The tragedy recurred as Drown and his wife and Dubois and his wife we:e return ng home from 8 dance. The Brow n ami Dubois ranches are about two miles from Moab. The two families rode to the dance peacefully peace-fully cnourh, but after the dance Mr. and Mrs. Dubois refused to ride home with the Drowns. Drown, in a frenzy, drove to his ranch and obtained two rifles. Followed by his wife, who, It Is believed, tried to restrain him, he ran down the road to meet his son-in-law and daughter. At a point about a quarter of a mile from his house Drown met his son-in son-in law and demnnded a duel, offering lilm one of the rifles. Dubois refused to fight and attempted to argue with his father-in-law. Brown, however, refused to listen to reason and proceeded pro-ceeded to murder Dubois. As Drown took aim his daughter leaped In front of the rifle and wart Instantly killed. Jumping over her body, Drown fired several shots at Dubois, leaving him fatally wounded In tne road. Drown and Dubois were partners In the cuttle business and It is said that they constantly disagreed about business matters. What caused the final and fatal quarrel, however, Is a mystery. Drown Is an old cattleman and has long bore a reputation as a gun fighter. He Is the type of men accustomed ac-customed to settle their disputes by primitive methods. Still there are some who think that Drown had become be-come mentally deranged before the shooting. When telephoning to friends after the shooting. Drown declared de-clared that he had accidentally shot and killed his own daughter, but that he had Intended to kill her husband, and advised his frii nils not to try to ti.ke him, as he would kill tiie first man win endeavored to enter h's house. |