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Show In Strange Company. The VlBltor And what In that gray Stone structure over there? The Courier Zat ees te armory for te soldiers. The Visitor Ah. yes. And that long, low building that looks like a train shed what Is that? The Courier Zat ees ze gr-areat The Visitor I see. And what Is the big factory with the Immense smoke stack? The Courier Zat ees fce gr a rreat Iron works where Is rutnle re big gun an ze shot an' ze shell. i The VlHltor And that peculiar looking look-ing structure acroas tha river the one with the rouniled Toof? The Courier Zat ees ze powder magazine. The Visitor And what Is this magnificent mag-nificent marble structure with Its wonderful won-derful dome and countless columns? The Courier Oh, zat ees only ze palace of peace!" Cleveland Plain Dealer. |