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Show PHYSICIAN ADVISES CUTICURA REMEDIES "Four years ago I had places break out on my wrUt and on my ahln which would itch and burn by spells, aad scratching thorn would not seem to give any relief. Wben the trouble first began, my wrist and ahln itched like poison. I would scratch those places until they would bleed before I could Ret any relief. Afterwards the places would scale over, and the flesh underneath un-derneath would look red and feverish. Sometimes It would begin to itch until It would waken me from my sleep, ind I would have to go through the icratchlng ordeal again. Our physician pronounced It "dry sczema." I used an ointment which the doctor gave me, but it did no good. . Then he advised me to try the Cuti-rura Cuti-rura Reiaedics. As thla trouble has ( been In our family for years, and la . considered hereditary, I felt anxious ( to try to head it off. I got the Cut I- j cura Soap, Ointment and Tills, and ( they seemed to bo Just what I needed, i "The dlseaso waa making great i headway on my aystem until I got the Cutlcura Remedies which have :leared my skin of the great pest. Prom the time the eczema bealed four years ago, until now, I have never felt any of Its pest, and I am thBtikful to the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment which , certainly cured me. I always use tho Cutlcura Soap for toilet, and I hoi other sufferers from akin diseases will . use the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment." j (Slgnedlt Irven Hutchison, Three Rlv- . era, Mich.. Mar. 16, 1911. Although J Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are sold , by druggiitts and dealera everywhere, a sample of each, with 32 page book, will be mailed free on application to "Cutlcura," Dept. 17 K, Doston. |