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Show FEEDING ROUGHAGE TO PIGS Box Arranged With Holes Eight Inches Apart and One End Tilted Will Be Found Suitable. Nature designed the hog to ent nuts, roots, etc., and to graze for his roughage. rough-age. Under careful management, however, how-ever, alfalfa hay, Bllage and even clover clo-ver hay may be fed with good returns. re-turns. The ration should always be properly balanced with plenty of grain In order that It may not be too bulky, Tor the pig has a small stomach, not withstanding the reputation he has for Feed Box for pigs. large conHiimptlon, says the Homestead. Home-stead. A box arranged as shown In the Illustration Is very U6eful In feeding feed-ing coarse roughage to pigs. Make the holes about eight inches in diameter, diam-eter, so as to allow the pig to reach far enough Into the box to secure necessary nec-essary hay. The rear side of the box Ib placed' sloping to the front, so that the hay is constantly kept close to the round opening. Some fastening should be provided to hold down the f.d or the ravenous pigs will crawl Into the box and disturb the others. |