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Show Awful Moment. t "That maiiea'iiig lion glared at you Just before you stmt him?" "Intently," n ili'd the scientist. "He appeared us If he were looking me over for a, pure food label." ' In the Sanctum. "I want a good fia'ure story." "Then why not take this debate? It Is full of 'ayes' ad 'noes'" Tlehtnewi lti tli r!n-t nienns a r M PTI tiw luiiijs. Hints Hi litii-er it.-tin I. Cure that cold ith lUndet. Wisard Oil I if.r jt runs int C"Uuniption or Peeu-i Peeu-i monia. ' "No woman ever requires another t woman to tell hpr when a man ad t mires her. Rarhel Sweet Miina . msra. |