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Show NOTICE. j Seii-il N't. Hi ')::: j I'nited States Land office, Salt Lake City. Utah, July i, 1512. ! N I'iff Is hereby given that Albert; (toodin of Cail-io. I'tah. nas made application ap-plication for a I'nited Slates patent for the May Flower lode mining claim, be-; ing l.-.uo linear feet in length of the lode and s-urlace ground a shown by the official survey, 6 1, so, Fish Springs .Min!iig Dl.ri' t, Juili County, I'tah, I and described In the plat nil liehl notes of survey n file in this office with magnetic variation at 17 deg. l.'j tnin. east ss follows, to-wit: j Commencing at corner No. 1 of the! May Flower lode, Thence S. 4't de ; M min, K. i'u ft to corner N-. 2 : Thence 8. 40 deg 41 min. W. l.Vw ft to corner No. 3. Thence N. 49 cleg. 19 tnin. W. Gun ft. f corner No. 4. Thence N 4u deg. 41 min. K. I-Vm ft. to comer No. 1. the place of the beginning of the exterior boundaries of the claim and containing a total and net ana of 2.t;i)l acres, all of which Is applied for, tiiere being no conflicts. V. S. M. M.j No. I Fish Springs Mining District, I'tah, bears north ",Z degrees ." rr.in east 13,770.2 ff. from c rm-r No. 1 of j said claim. The 14 se-:io:i corner be-te be-te n sections 2". and ;pt, T. 11 A. It. 14 and U west. S I.. II. and M. bears north 39 deg. .".9 win. -l 4 '.U , U. from corner No. I of said claim. Said claim Is situ Med In the umcir-veyed umcir-veyed part of T II S. K. 14 V.'., S. L. 1 M. Said claim Is of record In the; office of the County Recorder of Juatij County at Nephi. I'tah. In b ;ok 47. j page 4". Ther are no adjoining locations loca-tions so far as shown by the plat of j survey. 1 direct that this notice be published for a period of nine week' In the Millard County Chronicle-, a weekly ne!pip'r published at IMta. Utah.' Fv D R THOMPSON". Register. First pub July 4. 1912 h. H. ORAT. Claimant attorney. Salt Lake City. ftah. |