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Show first six mill it halt miles of th canal I bat in to bring the water outo the laiuiii south of Leamington. TIiIk U the most expensive portion of the whole canal system, as It In mainly through rock. The Wasatch Construction Co. has the contract atul Is now busy sotting sot-ting out the throe camps that will be located along the line of work. About 12,000 acre of laud will be watered by the system now under way, and II In all excellent land. Hut Mr. Ilolhrook says the company Is not yet Helium any land. They have spent consider-able consider-able money the past nix month buying In more land. We understand that the various companies Interested In the big reservoir and other water right are getting together and will probably be associated In lomo extensive re clamatlon propeets In the county. We are glad to hear this, for In union there Ih strength. We were rather HNMiiniHllc lu our comments two or three week ago about the plana of the company, because be-cause we couldn't get much definite Information about what they proponed to do, when the editor a.i In Halt Luke. Mr. Iloltmmk says there haa been too much talk and too little done about thla project In the past and he prefer to nay less and do more a good plan from one point of view, but rather unsatisfactory to the, Inquisitive newspaper man anxloua for good news about a project that meana much for hla constituency. However, now that work hna actually begun, the editor can get hla Information from observa-tion. HAVE STARTED WORK. Jjifayetie Holbrook f the Sevier Land A Wner Co.. wss In town last week and Informed the editor that tbe company bad let the c-otract for la ' |