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Show THE BIG FOURTH :0F JULY CELEBRATION Delta Has the Biggest Time in it's History Nearly 3,000 People Witnessed the Celebration $12.50; West Delta, second, $5; Delta, third. Pony and horse race, lady riders Mlna Detweiler, first. $7.50; Sylvia Turner, second, $2.50. Motorcycle race 'Harvey Snow and Frank Dwlght, $5 each. Marathon race, half mile W. A Woodbury, fitst, $7.50; Joe Fidel, sec- ond. $2.50. Quarter-mile running race Richard CropiKT, first, George Cropier, second. 'In the evening came another grand ball and the halt was as fully packed as on the previous evening, and was Just as enjoyable. The third day's celebration was not a largely mi tended. A good many people peo-ple were tired with their two days' do ir.gs, and then the wind, which had been fairly decent tho two days previous, pre-vious, started to blow In the afternoon and the grounds soon became a cloud or dust. Then the Delta baseball team waa too much played, out with their former games to put up a stiff game, and went down to defeat. A number of races came off with the following result: re-sult: Half. mile running race- Polo Niel-son, Niel-son, $ l.V Quarter-mile running race It. Cropper, Crop-per, Harness niceGeorge Beech, first, $:!5; Cliff Bunker, second, $15. Hundred yard foot race J. Cooper, $5.00. Another bail ended this day's pro-I pro-I feedings. Tho hall was a little less ,', en !Ms last nUht and was therefore a little more comfortable for the dancers and there were fewer collisions. col-lisions. Jenkins' .band and orchestra added greatly to the enjoyment of the occasion. occas-ion. Besides playing at the dances they were in constant attendance at tho grounds and helped inspire the crod with cheerfulness. The receipts from the dances went toward helping to pay for the Indebt-eJness Indebt-eJness on tho hall and piano. As the town board has assumed the indebtedness on the grand stand the receipts from this source will be turned over to theni. As Is always the cao on an occasion o this kind a few had to do nearly all the work. Cass Lcls hid great difficulty diffi-culty In getting men to help on the track and It was not In as good shape as It would otherwise have been. A. 0 Korensoti, Hyrum Knight and F.J Marshall also neglected their business in spend their lime making the celebration cele-bration a success. They were the only ones who kept their store closed all three days. If It had not been for them there would have been no money on hand to piy the prizes. They ad vanced over $:!nn for this purpose and we don't know any other firm that would have done so. Only a small number or subscriptions have been paid In and It Is hojied that everybody who has subscribed will make prompt payment. Kcclea new store was open Just In time to supply the hot and thirsty crowd with cool and satisfying refreshments, refresh-ments, and did a rushing business day and night. The big tent of the Delta Friendly Women near the grand s'atid also did a big business In Ice cream, cooling drinks and sandwiches. There waa always a crowd around Hickman s stand and the way the nig ger babies went down before the wild throw i of would be pitchers wouldn't bankrupt anybody. Bowling Steph lensoo'a stand was also an at n act ion for those who wanted to take a chan e It was certainly a safe and sane celebration. cele-bration. No nerve racking fire crack ers, torpedoes or guns; only a few bombs etrly In the morning of the 4:b to serve aa an alarm clock; no drunk, enness and consequently do fights Considering some of the handicaps Delta labors under, the celebration was a bigger suecMMi than was amlclpa'ed The three days' celebration In Delta; last week was the largest and most successful affair that waa ever pulled off In the county. Every town la thej county contributed Ita quota of visitors and the majority stopped over the three days, as there was something do. ing every day, The biggest civfrd, how ever, was present on the fifth,' as tht; most exciting baseball game And the principal races were held on that day. The celebration began oil the fourth by patriotic exercises In the lall where a patriotic oration was delivered by John Steel, orator of the day, Jenkins Jen-kins band of Nephl gave some splendid music and the choir and others furnished fur-nished vocal music. Among the niosl pleasing musical selections was a trio by the Misses Ward, Tozler and Underbill. Un-derbill. We have heard many compliments compli-ments passed on the singing of th'ise young ladies and we hope their voltes may often be heard. There was" a A-od attendance at these exercises and every one went away satisfied. In the afternoon there was a dance, for the children at which a crowd of little folks had a good time. Then came the races at the park. There was a fair attendance, although the baseball base-ball game at Hinckley drew a great many fans over there. Tho track was in good condition and the new grand stand proved a great convenience and was well patronized. The follow In;; was the result of the races: Quarter mile running race A Abbott flm, $5; Jme" K-''y, ta :.. 50 yard foot race, eight years ami under Orlando Jolley, first, 5Ui ; Lor-aine Lor-aine Ivey, sec irid, 25c. 300-yard foot race Loell Lambert, first, $3; Leroy Waite, second, $1; Joe Fidel, third, $1. loo-yard race Leroy Walt, first, $3; Joe Fidel, second, $2. 50-yard foot race, sixteen year old girls- Pearl Tozler, first, $1; Vera Siuiton, second, 50c. r.uyard foot race, sixteen years and over Myrtle Hurd, first, $3; Mrs. R. J. Law, second, $2. . 50-yard fo-it race, boys, twelve years Ix-nnls Lloyd, first, 75c; Chas. Dally, second, 50c. 50 yard foot race, girls, twelve years --Arvilla Lewis, first, 75c; Venice Harbor, second. 50c. 75 yard foot race, sixteen year old boys -Steve Brower, first, Melvin Pat ton, second, 5c. The day'a doing wound up with a grand bill at Amusement Hall In the evening. The hall was packed to Its fullest capacity. Jenkins' orchestra furnished Inspiring music and everybody every-body had a most delightful time. The big day was on Friday, the 5th. The big event was the baseball game between the Delta and Hinckley tennis Hinckley sent a big crowd of rooters who did their share in keeping up the courage and spirits of their boys. The grand stand which seats about 800 per. sons was comfortably filled, spectators crowded the sides and automobiles and over 150 learns were strung around the grounds. The editor ouldn't possibly pos-sibly do Justice to the baseball part of the celebration and the Chronicle's baseball reporter from Kansas CPy gives full and Interesting report and notes of all three games In another coin inn, After the game came the rates, which were equally well attended. Although Al-though no records were broken all the races were Interesting and many of them were close enough to be quite exciting. ex-citing. There were no exceptions to the ruling of tbe Judges snd eery-thing eery-thing passed off without sccldent. except ex-cept that In the motorcycle race Snow took a tumble off his machine owing to the deep dust and bsdly sprained bis wrist. The following Is the result of the races: Work borse rusning race. Ml-s Ml-s n. first. 5; Will Camp, second. $2.50. Relay rsce, changing saddles Ab-ner Ab-ner Johnson, $7. Quarter-mile running race Jas Kelly. 15. Three-minute trotting rsce Beech first. $15; Hickman, second. $10. Relay foot race Ossls team, first. |