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Show loi ni'X U not sure that the city I given that power under the siat Btttutes, mid we feel safe In thu conclusion, In saying that this matter will be defered until later. The city attorney feels Unit the state laws regarding the whin-key whin-key traffic In somewhat defective ami i li lt a hill should be pawned In our legislature leg-islature giving the court h more power. For the past week or two this proponed search and seizure ordinance ha made considerable of a stir In Fillmore among rertain Individuals. ALL THE NEWS OF FILLMORE What ! the Editor has Corralled in his Weekly Round up of the Town Write It 1911. Hid you swear off? Watch Millard grow the next ten years. Now Is the time to get the wood up boys, before the roads begin to thaw. Mrs. John Walker, who has been III for the past two months, Is reported The new county officers npear to take to their offices like ducks to water. The public schools will aaln open Monday, alter their two week's vaca lion. Hans Itasmusseii and his son are here on a vacation for a couple of months. W. II. Harrington. fer a vacation north for a few days, arrived home Tuesday. A long pull, a hard pull and a pull all together for Millard. What say you, citizens? Abe Curling was on the sick list the first part of the year, but was reported better Tuesday. A news Item says money Is plentiful In the t'nlted States. We don't believe be-lieve a word of It. Donald lleauregard of Salt Lake is spending the week with his folks, tt little better this week, he wants to find a better place. Many new faces are seen on our streets people who are spending their 'vacation at the old ex capital, The coldest night thus far this winter win-ter was Sunday New Year's night four below xcro. She was a hummer (). II. Holbrook and family have returned re-turned from Salt Lake and expect to again take up their residence In Kill-more. Kill-more. Sleighing Is pretty good In this vicinity, and many are taking advantage advant-age of It and appear to enjoy It Im-n-ensely. 1 At Halt Dike last week Valletta K son of Kdward N. and Kmily K. Mill-gate Mill-gate Whitman, born April 7, lH'.i:., In Fillmore, Utah, died. Ilecause he was unable to catch his nag, one of our citizens shot the animal. ani-mal. An uncontrollable temper Is rather expensive at times. We never like to heg--a uan pin ) down his home town when there are so many roads by which he can leave If Mr. Cass Lewis, of Ilurtner, was a visitor to the county seat this week. He stated that he Intended to start up a livery stable at Ilurtner at once. Hyrum Mitchell, who has spent the last four years or more In Nevada, came back to his old home town Sunday, Sun-day, and will remain for some time. You will find our latch-strlng on the outside, as always. The Chronicle treats everybody with respect. Call and see us and leave a couple of dol-lare dol-lare for Chronicles. Mr. Arthur Urunson has made some good and substantial Improvements on and around his place new neat porch, house shingled, etc. It Is now one of the neatest homes In town. Mr. N. K. Lewis received the sad news Saturday that his youngext sister, sis-ter, Mrs. Hannah Jugg, of rangultch. had died. She left tt husband and a large family. Prnpay of the heart was the cause. John Williams, who has been working work-ing In Tooele for some time past. Is here among his friends. He expects lo do some dry farming here; he Is Interested In 1G0 acres near the reservoir reser-voir of some of the finest land around here. Mr. W. J. Ilanna, a special agent for the General Land Office is spending a week In Millard County making examinations exami-nations of lands to be designated by the Secretary of the Interior as Smout Ijind. also examining homcxteails and other government lands entered by Individuals. In-dividuals. After a month of voting, the awards at the I'tah Art Institute exhibit were made known last week. To Ihmald lleauregard goes the highest prle, that of first choice In the f :100 class "Over the Mesas" Is the title of Iteauregard's painting. Mr. lleauregard Is a Fillmore Fill-more product, and his many friends are watching his career as an artist -.Ith Interest. According to the following there's a "bunch" after Ieputy Game Warden Mlah Hay's scalp, as welt as bis Job: "Fillmore, Pec. 27 At a meeting of the Republic in county central commit tee Francis C. Melville as unanimously unanimous-ly endorsed aa candidate for the office of deputy game warden. All precincts of the county save two were represent ed at the meeting " Herald Kepubli can. We underaUnd the committee ap-1 ap-1 pointed to draft a search and seizure ordinance for Fillmore City, and to look Into the constitutionality of such an ordinance are ready to report, and , from what we can learn the city at- |