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Show LIVE STOCK NOTES. The period of g station In sheep ll ir2 days. Keep the pig growing right Into the market. Winter suiiKhine count for much in the hog house. Halt In some quantity I a oeeCHflty to living animal. The l.tttt profit In bog ralsiug arc always quit k profit. Select the breeder from large lit-ter lit-ter farrowed by mature sows. The hog like good pasture but they need a little grain, too Water is cheap, but It la very essential es-sential In good feeding Hog can ! raiNed at a profit, and farmer should rle more of l hem. Raw en with the shell crushed finely are g'Mxl for our In calve. Every farm of ') acre and up ought to have a amall (lock of beep. Rape makea a good panture If sown frequently. A little rye mixed In help. Keeping the hog In clean sur rounding I the best preventive of dlaeae. I Th mare with their colt double In value erery year, with no eitra pense, e inept fee for breeding Market some of the older sheep, and ' retain part of th choice lamb for the Improvement of your own Go k. Make a feeding platform for the bog eight Inch hlgU with a two-Inch two-Inch protecting board all around to keep the feed out of the winter' mud Never get the Idea In your heil that breeding from young and lui mature bleeding stork enrourng- early maturity In th progeny, for It la a mlatake Pumpkin feed ng ben tried In the crate fee ling work at the I'nlver-elty I'nlver-elty of Maine, b.it It h net U n found sailcfa-r.ry If one attempla U fatten fur tLre tk only |