Show GEORGE H. H RYAN r b 1 w a aI I A IS 1 1 W I f 1 George H. H Ryan was born In Hayes City Kansas In Othe second of four sons of Captain George and Mary Mary Ma- Ma ry Maxwell Ryan For many years his father resided in Eureka where he was active in mining The father served through the Civil War in the Illinois Volunteer Cavalry His mother Was So a daughter of Prof Samuel Samuel Sam Sam- uel Maxwell a a. pioneer educator of Marietta Ohio Ryan was las educated In the Colorado Colorado Col- Col orado and Utah schools and except for short perIods when his mining work took him out of the state has resided here ever since George H. H Ryan has had a long association with political activities In that not only has he been an active ac- ac tive worker In the Republican party but his father was was as well and the young man absorbed the training and took kindly to that field Of endeavor en- en deavor The fIrst political office Mr Ryan I held was In 1926 when he was elected elected elect elect- ed to the state legislature from Juab County His work In the lower lowerhouse lowerhouse house was pleasing to his party and to the people of Juab generally so that was given the splendid It ity of continuing his excellent serto service ser ser- vice to the tho is In a a. wider field by election it if agreeable to the will of people to the upper house While In the legislature his work for bet bet- bet torment of Toads roads In Juab County and betterment of schools was very I Important He Is thoroughly conVersant conversant conVer conver- sant with the th needs of both Millard I and Juab Counties so 80 that voters may feel that their political destinies destin- destin les ies are In good goad hands At this time and for several years past Mr Ryan has been Chairman of the Tintic Chapter of the American Red Cross ho he Is also a member of the Eureka Public Library Board and a charter member of the Eureka Kiwanis Club He Is a property owner owner own own- er In Salt Lake County and In Juab County He Is a persistent booster of our our great state knowing well Its possibilities In Its several branches of industry |