Show I Great Care Required in Selecting R Record cord Cows VS If the farmer Carmer wants a record cow he trust must bu buy u a cow with a record anda and aud a good one too says the New York State College of Agriculture re TIme Is needed to make good selections and It Is well to seek seel old aid from competent and trustworthy persons If a dairyman Is bu buying ing his cow through gb a cattle dealer he should be beable able uble to trust hIm and when he does not know know a trustworthy dealer he should seek assistance from from a county bre breed d ass or the cattle cattle sales company company of the county yin which h the the animal Is to be bought The names names' and full Information about these organizations or or- may be from the count county agricultural agents In n case there are no such organizations cotta coun ty 3 agents an supply prospective bu buyers buy buy- ers with the names of reliable breeders breed breed- ers dairymen or dealers In the county The New York state college saSs saS's that tor much caution cannot be used In bu buying ing cows for tor although extra time ma may be needed during the purchasing puro pur pur- o chasing much time and money can he be saved later on Dairymen who hu have ve lost herds because ut of random buying are nHip In the future I II I |