Show A AMERICAN lEGION AUXILIARY NOT NOTES 3 The ladies ot of the American Legion Auxiliary wish to take this opportunity opportunity of thanking all JJ who helped either by subscriptions or by advertising adver- adver UsIng to win Iwin the grand prize In the contest campaign as Mrs C. C M. M Pace s gs s our can candidate We are the thc prou proud winners of the Whippet Sedan will be sol sold giving us nuances finances for putting ovel the big things we hops to do We want to make you proud o of this unit The Tho Ball was a very successful affair Man Many beautiful and clever characters were portrayed portray portray- ed in the various arlous c costumes which wo we rented from Salt Sail Lake City Three prizes were awarded the first prize of at 5 was given to Mr Joseph Little and Miss 1 Derry Berry as the Cadet and Miss U 1 s America Mr William Bassett Bassett Bass Bass- ett and Miss Mary Mcl in Dutch cOstume wooden woollen shoes n ev- ev took the prize of while Alma peterson as Felix FE lIx walked ort off with the 1 prize The awarding was difficult owing tc the great variety of costumes A special meeting for all Auxiliary members is called for or Wednesday night Nov at p p. p in m. m In Mercer Mer- Mer Hall for Cor the purpose ot of making arrangements for fOO Armistice Day The caps have been receIved and will ready for presentation at the meeting or of Wednesday A full tull attendance is desired Pres Lela Lisonbee Sec |