Show Enter Mr Liverwurst for lor Hubby Kind Medal Old Mace lace Liverwurst was asked why he didn't burn gas at hIs home lIe Be flared up and said that was no noone's noone's ones one's business and went on to state that he was burning wood for the reason reason rea- rea son that It gate gu his wIfe some outdoor out out- door exercise when she chopped It lle Be says You know she Inhales lots of steam while washing clothes and then when she has bas to cut the wood she puffs It aU all out again consequently her lungs are kept as clean and spotless as her washings lie lle then made the statement that he was going to try to make this the most prosperous summer for his wife that she ever has e that he had already hustled three new wash customers for her am and expected to get two more before the end of the week Mace l sa says s 's th the hotter It Is the better his wife likes to work and when she sweats freely he knows she Is enjoying the best ot of health lIe Is certainly a kind and loving 10 laus husband Altoona Nan 1 TrIbune |