Show TO VISIT GRAVES OF COMRADE DEAD Brians Plans for tor hoJ holding the 1927 national convention of ot the American Legion in Paris Pariss are being wor worked ed out rapidly according to John J J. J Wicker Nicker Jr of Richmond Va n chairman of ot the French convention c travel committee e of ot the Legion The committees committee's arrangements nr- nr as already made were om officially dally approved ed by the national convention con at Omaha and the committee com corn was authorized to continue V with th necessary details The he convention cOIl according to tho the committee Is to be the occasion of ot a 11 great national nl td our our for cemeteries the lost last resting ph place placer ce r 11 of ot approximately of at OUI our o own comrades andio the battlefields Is where th they y fought and aDd died and where hundreds hundreds hun hun- ot of thousands of our comrades suffered their wounds and disabilities We believe that such a pilgrimage Imai coming In 1927 the tenth anniversary mry year eJr of ot Americas America's entrance Into the World war and the cle creation n of the theAE theA A. A E E. F F. F In Inn Ina n real sense would be a secondA secondA second sec ond ondA E. E F F. the first A. A E E. E F F. F having hn cro crossed sed th the seas In time of ox war to too aid in the thc struggle against me the common common cornmon com corn mon enemy and the second second-A. E. E Jf Y coming In time of ot peace pence paying so sot sol sol- homage e to o our r W 1 oh d dead ad and promoting International International- pe peace c and good wI will The f-The latter part ot of September has Ims i bc been tl recommended recommended b by the committee ee I b st time for holding the con con- The Tile French rench government luis has given gl assurances that It will wUl place the the Trocadero the largest auditorium In Paris with a n seating capacity of nt 12 12 t at the disposal of ot the convention on Participation In the trip will be liui- liui tiled to those who have haye been en bona bonn fide up paid members of ot the Legion for tor both loth 1926 1920 and 1927 1937 the auxiliary and f minor lineal descendants of ot such mem- mem bels bers Official ships will be d designated j to sail from Houston Hampton n Roads d ds New York Boston and rid Montreal l J One One- t are J lore fare railroad rates between the home and the port of ot embarkation have been assured Reductions will also ably be he given ghen by French railroads All Ail f Parts ParIs hotel accommodations of c every etY class dass are to be held bed for the disposal of sa t. t the Legion Legon during the period of the convention cOD l i f t T The IC minimum trip round-trip tI time e 1 mated at nt 23 d days s 's from flom the AtlantIc Atlantic f f seaboard ld This will give gl s sen en 1 days f In France to cover the convention and the pilgrimage Longer periods and various side trips may b be t k Savings Sa clubs are being o organized over the country so that p persons d tie tie- siring to make the trip may do so o without financial difficulty |