Show r 1 Killpack p Announces New Dodge Pr Prices ces r rice rices on Dodge Brothers Motho Motor Mo- Mo Motor tor ri the tho subject of widespread ent since it was made known D bar iber 15 that a n sweeping tier tl r could rould be made were announced tod today The reductions cover the entire entire en en- tire list of Dodge Brothers cars and range from on the Special type A sedan to 75 on the Commercial Y f d cars and chassis The Tho now new and the old prices on ou the different types of ot cars follow tollow Touring car new price old ohl 01 1 price lol roadster lster new price r r old price Type B D Sedan new JI price old price 1045 Special Type r A Sedan new price 1075 old price 1280 coupe new price old J I price 9 CO panel commercial car new price old screen commercial car new price old price chassis new price old price It was stated staled in the announcement of ot December 15 that the new now prices f would d be retroactive ac lve and that all J J purchasers 01 or cars between that date and the time the revised schedules were made known would be refunded the tho difference between the new and old prices In accordance with this promise thousands thousands thousands ands of ot checks are being made out today by Dodge Brothers dealers to such purchasers Although the announcement of December 15 of the tho impending price reductions with their retroactive 1 feature fell on Thursday the effect Y on sales was so immediate that shipments shipments shipments ship ship- ments for that week showed a materIal material ma mn- increase over the proceeding week The news that Dodge Brothers about to make marked reductions reductions reductions in the prices of all their cars j was something of ot a n bombshell to the automobile industry coming asIt as asit it did at the time when several manufacturers manufacturers manufacturers man man- were known to be preparing preparIng preparIng ing announcements of advanced 7 prices all along the tho line lino In fact bet it itIs ItIs itIs Is understood that some makers had scheduled advertising r advising tho the public of at tho the necessity for tor higher prices but th these Q announcements were suddenly cancelled upon publication pub pub- cation of ot Dodo Dodge Brothers y The situation which many automobile automobile automobile auto auto- mobile manufacturers have found in insurmountable In- In f surmountable except through Increased in increased in- in creased prices has been brought about by the jump in tire costs due to previous advances in rubber ces cs Automobile manufacturers who planned making this increased tire the cost the basis of ot higher prices found themselves In a quandary however as a n result of the Dodge Brother announcement In commenting on Dodge Brothers reductions Robert C. C Graham vice vice- president and general sales manager manag manag- er said The reduction In prices of Dodge Brothers cars Is made possible possible pos pos- sible by a n investment in new buildings and equipment which i ivill will vill greatly increase Capacity for tor 1926 This expansion pro program ram has greatly improved our already highly developed and economical system of progressive assembly and reduced our production costs We Ve believe in giving the owner of ot Dodge Brothers cars the benefit of this reduction These new now prices apply to a product product product pro pro- duct that is far and away tho the finest Dodge Brothers have ever produced There Is no change in the policy upon which Dodge Brothers established their leadership eleven cleven years ago that of ot constant Improvement without without without with with- out yearly models GRAHAM I TRUCK THUC PRICES ALSO LOWERED I Graham Brothers a division of ot Dodge Brothers Inc added further to the exceptional interest centering on tho the activities of these those two concerns concerns concerns con con- cerns by announcing their third substantial substantial substantial sub sub- reduction in eight months The new price of ot their ton 1 chas- chas sic it is announced Is reduced from to 1 ton 1 ton chassis from 1280 to 1245 l IDl low chassis from 1345 to 1295 Even more subs substantial reductions are arc made on Various other types Motor Motor Mo Mo- tor coaches of which Graham Bros Dros build a varied and attractive assortment assortment assortment assort assort- ment of ot typos types are reduced While these reductions come como simultaneously simultaneously simultaneously sim sim- with the Dodge Brothers price announcement they art not retroactive to December 15 as ns is the caso case with the Dodge Brothers pro pro- duct December ordinarily not a n particularly particularly particularly eventful month on an the truck business was the tho greatest in Graham Graham Graham Gra Gra- ham Bros Dros history The year 1925 as a a whole whale also set a n now record Laving Caving 1924 which previously previously pre pro held the record by per cent Total shipments for tor 1925 wore in 6 excess coss of ot trucks Continuous Increase in demand and production during the last several several several sev sev- eral years rears ears have brou brought ht Graham Brothers world leadership among exclusive truck manufacturers These Increases factory executives assert have resulted in 0 material savings in manufacturing costs and th these e savIngs savings savings sav sav- ings are CUO returned to the buyer in the form torm of ot a better product n at lower prices Dodge Brothers cars and Graham trucks are handled in this district by KILLPACK CI GARAGE DELTA |