Show Hymn Hymns Form Links Link The Old and the N New w worlds have been linked by hymns Doctor Reeves tells bow American history opened d with the singing of ot a Christian hymn On the evening of ot September 2 23 25 1492 1 one of the companions of Columbus saw what he thought to be land lying dimly In n the west From all nIl three of the ships as ns Columbus himself himself him hIm- self gives ies the account in his diary there rose the sound of the old Gloria In Ex Dee Deo II We learn that later Inter In tho the history of ot Christian America The Bay Psalm Book was In the modest modE dwelling of or the he first president of ot Harvard President nt Dwight of at Yale who was n a chaplain I In the Revolutionary ne army edited and partly wrote what was for tor years tI the leading hymn and psalm book In the country In 1737 at Charleston S. S 0 0 John Wesley Wesle an Anglican missionary published the first hymn book of the Church of England |