Show The Princess Amusement Company The Photo Players C Commencing Tuesday July will issue coupon ticket to each adult attending their Photo Plays The purchaser must keep the numbered coupon which entitles the holder to participate in the Amusement Company's Company s Drawing at which many expensive and useful Articles Given Away Watch for display of prizes in the store windows Will play at Hinckley every Tuesday evening at Deseret Desere every Wednesday evening at Delta every Thursday e evening evening even even- e eing ing at Lynndyl every Friday and Saturday evening At Delta Monday Evening ening July pr prompt Films have been approved by National Board Censorship The Millard County Farmers Farmers' Union i I Will be he prepared d to 10 furnish the b. F Farmer Faher m with wb Grain Gram Sacks Alfalfa Seed Sacks Sack and Binding Twine At A. AtA A LOWER PRICE than m er LI before Still lower price precut may b be b. obtained I a ordered is carload In m lots Send Sead in m your ba order ode d. d l al a once so 10 we W. can om Its leU how th sm-th wi win be b. needed C Q- Q yc cor JH Halt Hu South T Tract J J. J C c. I- I 6 Hawley ley 0 Oasis Chile Donald Ho k F. F Fern W Woodow N. N B. B DRESSER So JOHN Woodow REEVE President Present i Hinckley I List your property or quick sale sale- SUMMERLAND D FARMS COMPANY We told sold Ui the earth lat last Week Delta Opposite Post Office Utah Business and aid Miscellaneous Notices Three Thee re regu regular far ju et loaves leaves of bread for at the Delta Bakery Baker Lost pst Litt your property for quick sale Summerland Forms Farms Com Com- pany opposite post lost Office Delta Utah J. J H. H ALLISON Carpenter and Builder Builders Shop w work s specialty Em Estimates ar am Dan U Utah READ REFLECT CONSIDER The City Drug Store of Delta v ver ery very ery earnestly solicits your 1 trade w-ade and will certainly appreciate elate Clate the same For unless unk's we wein can in persuade penned e or induce your patronage patronage pat- pat wage we shall hall be forced to toe qUIt ait the Drug Business Bume m in Delta Our sales are so mall some days only my totaling 3 11 25 a day a great at me memy many d. d days a profit of about b Is a day Delta can cant can't t afford to be without a Drug DK rug Store you need one one you wIll regret It many tIme It If the DrugStore to qUIt bu SI si- si nes an and vacate To remove ove the e eStore Drug Store to some orne other town wIll certainly look bad for Deltas Delta's a progress and further growth and add i t the chances chance for another one colar ning into Delta are very slight knowing owing t that at several have tried en tul eXist m your town prevIously p an md and d failed for far lack of business There is enough drug trade in m Delta and the country about to sustain a Drug Store in m Dell Delta If every one would purchase theIr drugs at the Drug Store in m place piece of buying them at the Grocery Hardware Clothing Furniture Store and other places of business buSIness buSI- buSI ness less for they all carry drugs fo for forIe Ie ale If it is only a little it wIll wil ill all help out if you would just re 1 to oy your at atthe L the Drug ff Store the proper er place where all drugs drug are pure m in quality ity being constantly examined an and under U tt e watchful eye of a tate state drug inspector Drugs I in n any s store a. a are not at subject to this 5 rigid examination tion and inspection by the state drug inspector an anthe and the federal authorities a so cone conse they are am not up to the it in 10 quality and tIOn Necessarily sailly there are am some cheaper Leing inferior in 10 and far oel w the standard and not safe afe to use ue in case me of sick ness as you can pot hot get results frn from cheap up inferior and impure drugs What would you think if a doctor gave you a prescription for tor a sick friend and instructed you to go to the grocery store and md get it tt filled Surprise on your our face would be very noticeable noticeable notice notice- i able ible yet people you will bu your ur drugs at the grocery when you have lave a drug store tore in in your town all inferior ill drugs bankrupt sale goods fire sale good goods old drugs refused drugs spOIled drugs and drugs that are us no good havin lost there them strength are generally general sold in m grocery stores store or an any j store tore except drug store for they can not net be sold in a drug store on account of thIS right CId state drug inspection and federal bon tion W We W. have appealed to the merchants merchants mer- mer chants in m Delta to give us the drug trade of the town and try as they ley promIsed they would do when the j City Drug Store opened business over a year ago agoto but faIled i m in results Now we ido do e earnestly appeal to you the Public to your good gooc business reason lesson and ask you t to give us your drug trade at least leas even if it IS IB only a little by so doing doing do do- ing mg you will assist in keeping the drug store in m your town ane and prospective We will take your butter at ard d ergs eggs in exchange as Sol do other stores We wIll surely appreciate all patronage you feel fee disposed to give us and we think we have asked nothing unfair as sat we have never broke any other mans man's m town staying closely to our own the drug business only B But t w we are am now lure to pUt pu m I line of jf goods only f fit IT r the purpose of I pa paying ing our running expenses M and the little interest on 1 the money invested for we do not expect a salary When in m town call and see our paint point store next to the drug store we have a full line of all kinds of paints oils glass stains stams jap jap-a. jap alac a- a lac varnishes wall finishes and every thIng earned in a complete paint store We give a written guarantee wi w with th all 11 allour allour our paints points an And d oils to give Rive satisfaction satis faction and replace the same if proven roven to the contrary Our best bet house paint by the gallon is 2 25 p per gal af Our u Yb best boiled i 11 linseed oil 11 by the gal 1 00 per ga gal Our bet best gasoline oil by the gal is isdO 30 30 per gal Our best befit kerosene oil by y the go gall gal 20 per ral gal iral An And And othel o other er noue pm as low law as a gal white lead in m large qi quantities is 10 per p pound and wall finish are 50 a package come m in and id see our stock when m in town 1 Thanking hanking you for your I patronage we extend a welcome The City Drug Store Delta Ut For Sale Sal Sal- or Trade A 5 5 old yr old horse home team team each weighing 1500 pounds price cash or a lot lotin m in Delta well located might betaken be beThe betaken taken m in part payment Call phone or write Jens P. P Peterson Peter Peter- son San ScIPIO Utah 46 0 se The Mission i Presbyterian Church i Sund Sunday School and d Preaching Nestling at 10 o'clock m st yo Young Profiles People Meeting at 1 8 p m P Prayer Play Meeting MIm Thursday Thandy 8 p sm m. A At Abraham Abb I I. I si a end and d 3rd Sunday of the month mob at 3 p m us At A 2nd end and d 46 So Sun d. d day at 3 p. p L I What Wb W. W Stand Sd FRI For For- RI Religion end d CId F I Kobre eI f who No 02 keCh suds i P Is of r I Tic 11 amended 76 ones I be my A no ew o face t wp 17 Rg do f to aak b ly To f u- u to 1 time W it a an he I 1 to th I d and cult se I. I III red by the law it the roko and I let 11 State he t. t Boom ut t d f l on or rf the fAg the tho State Sta of f at Tons Utah f Ag gw soe 91 1914 IA ts 0 of r. r the ort follow C H. H JD ones C 0 T. T eks and Wro Wm G Loc L a if of Delta U Utah D Dd d A Sucker Bok Entry Entry- First Ft July 11 fit NOTICE TO WATER USI USERS RS Notice f S C Sty ty i Jr an t M It- It a th that Sell Reber if net I Ito 11 to h. h or re aIm on I art with the of th Co Law Lw of Df b Utah granen b 1907 md as 1116 it t to a t i t.-E t. ne ad from coy I i P Millard M county Utah Said P sit sited ed Pont las fee na on t of the th It r f the northwest a tal of Section 86 T hp 17 Ron Ron 5 w. w iscon Suit L. L Lk B Buse and d Met M. mon where it will be 1 a. a of an r 11 1 E I of liu feet and 11 11 Year I Ir D or 11 cl ad t 20 t of rich per p oses by the applicants is on then their lend landi m St Sections 26 27 and nd 7 III Range 5 Ial 91 g Less jake base be and it meridian ined i J Th This s ppl- ppl ton on IB us des designated in the State Stan Eng Egme n eru office as No All 11 p promote ta amount the tho granting mg of Df d pp I endo en- en i t dot y in do th 1 of 14 60 day r. r after 7 the t im c so W h D of thirty the 21 1 Sta Em Date of that o Joe Ermo date of rf r. r of J July 1914 Nonce I fee Publication of the tho U U. U S L. L Lan Lond it Office 1 at 1 Suit L. L ke Ct City Utah Jo ND Notice 1 b govon It W are N G Mo Hom ENo s. s 5 and Sec 10 Twp 17 ge 7 Range k WJ we ledri gf m. m interim ion to m. m make final 1 v year five y P Proof f. f to establish Im I. I to in the tho b and Ind ho b- b d dh d.- d. a. a h md close the tho R. R Rg nd it or of 1 the h U S. S Loud L d 11 of Lk cg mime m we me E G. G U 1 P P. P ever C. C Carton Carston Z Richard R A. A B. B Lyman I- and ond Porte or D Callister all th of f Milt It Jt L. L Lake City Cn Utah E. E D R Thompson Rg R.g. Register Fuat Ft Pub Ju fit Noh Nobel of Final Proof Pooi I. I Gon George W W. 1 Hams Hm Df Wood Irow w. w Ut he is 1 der p of Chapter 17 2 Title Is piled ed L. L Laws f of Utah 1907 as i t lr F Is known as I th is Carey which b South South-ewal te of 1 cc 6 1 twp 16 of range camm do donal heby he- he by s t t on rl hire on Y to make ro nal fine proof to uh my claim to th the theIs lond Is ho d. d decherd and ond I I W to p at h n cl dm ond d I rated and d lands d w aa Z Zu re- re u d by the tho law Iw d ad tho he I 11 and nd andre re FEk tons release therall before F. F B n. n bD the oth of the State board or Le M d of of I aU t by r two of the following Y Ff t Herman More More- Frn a He 8 H. H Vh and d Fred Fd Neil N all 11 of Df Wood or b 4 W H Hrat H. H arns F nt rat Juno For Sale at A Bargain Team am wagon double harness harness' buggy bugy y cow and calf col colt pig Ing dozen down n chickens lumber for three thre win room i cook stove sanitary couch b bed d springs child childs a bed cooking cocking u utensIl ten sits sils linoleum dishes cup cup- boord b d chairs haim ai tables For a quick sale will sell all or ou cash See Sea ee owner on premises about 2 mIles iles north of Hinckley near county road J J. W W. Bowland A Good Forty at a Bargain I 1 will sell n my forty acres in Abraham all plowed but 8 acres aeres all ill i. i m in fence good well ell ellof of water and 18 IS a. a acres of spring wheat and timothy which will go with place 50 shade hade trees and 50 fruit trees one year old most of them doing well 40 hare of water ater Will sell this thi place for jO O per acre with what tools tool I marker cultivator and harrow and one buggy wIth 1200 1200 down and time on balance balanc at Callon or write Abraham Earm Utah For For Rent 90 Rent or iio a with a four room house Darn Dan hen house houe and r I all slim in cultivation P. F Jackson Jackon Sutherland Utah Cloth Clothes cleaned and pressed and pressed leave leaveat at met meat market Mrs A. A In order to serve the trade to toa toa a greater degree of satisfaction during the Walla m weather we wIll willbe ill be open during the afternoon afternoon after after- noon oon and evening on Sundays Sunday The Delta Bakery Th The F Fourth th o j July ly and if Se- Se Will bring tang you ou greater satISfaction joy yoU lect set your shoes or oxfords from our b largo large urge stock of select style tyles We have bave just received some pretty ne new dress pieces for holiday atari attire which the ladles ladies will be glad to see before buying their dresses for tor the Fourth and Twenty Twenty Fourth and nobby We have also just received some big bur values styles in n Mens Mena Dress Drem ShIrts and Ties Tes They will delight the They are the regular reg reg- good dresser or the particular ular 1 60 values value but will be specially priced 8 1 II and S1 Remember The Patriot True And the Patriot Shoe i Are Am equally faithful in service geice Save your National Cash Register tickets for the drawIng drawIng drawing draw draw- Ing July A Five Dollar Picture Given Away PRATT Bros Hinckley I of fir 1 of f Delta DrU Utah 1114 Capital Stock paid in 00 We invite your banking business assuring our patrons every courtesy and accommodation tion consistent with prudent banking ples Our patrons interests are our interests MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BANK J A A. MELVILLE President Pd FRANK BECKWITH Co Cashier iW We have fresh sh groceries ies arriving i weekly A nice line white Enamel- Enamel f I ware New Dress Goods for of i f all kinds Line of new dishes I just unpacked Here is where money t buys the best and most I R. R n J. J LAWS I 1 Ever seen a house fly fl Th There 71 is lot I n is of them flying thu b w. w way and ODd not a it few Iw are or Id already b. b herm here v Ad nd of 1 course une no you DO w. w want to n protect your house bo hold bold gaunt th these conveyer a- a ey W Well dI we w. have bov a complete line boo of Sa Screen Same Doubt Doon and d fixtures germ gc- nn The Th I. I latest th things out DO I for keep kp keeping ng the ba dOOR dooms tight light again against m it the th j jamb bo We Wa bU be glad to se roa Yom yoo Baker Lumber Company Delta Oasis OU Lynndyl Lyndyl r T To the h D Delta i t i When Wb you come to 0 Delta Delia and ond look took d advantage of 01 the b. States Slate Liberal offer nil of a farm that b. b you YDO KNOW to 10 be b. one ons of the th BEST m the th woo wits you promised to 0 write I to some m of your our friends fd and tell them how bow liked but bot you YDO b. b have be been boo b. b busy getting lIm the th new w home boma started ed the be land Ind you plowed the it II I. I new w well down for fine M W water the th b. b houses up and ond the tho aeed d m in the tha ground Y You DO thought of 01 your our promise prom were several to tunes times and ODd told wa yourself 11 that th you DO really 11 Ily would write tomorrow but but bu well you 0 w. w were busy boY and d such each d week wk the b memory of YD your You promise became boam became dmm Now we w. both want WOD good substantial b PIO progressive f. f fannen don doo dont 1 t Em good family that b. b comes com in here hem to 0 1 live I- and ODd improves a I. I farm makes make we w. your you YD f. f farm more mn valuable shuble dont don't they bey Make Mk better neighbor o hb for fee th the wife wd and nd ad children you nu sit down nd today and d write at I. I least we of old Id friend frend oil and neighbor tell them the ol 01 I the th Dpp ties here ber for lor dunn your isto farmer is not to 0 get ot 6 Th There The i. i no 0 pl place Piece b. b here hem for a l Lu lazy y the th seeking leeking a pot pot of 1 gold at 1 bd he the end of the th rainbow but bot a REAL man num or be mu mOD II ily ty I for the b. earnest sincere farmer lormer who u w wIll willing II ng to 10 work wok will na la to little hili for now the b. take sake of an OD INDEPENDENT FUTURE i Tell them dicas of 1 n. n our 1 dear boory d. d day dayi nd ODd the th dry dIY don climate T Tell them the of 01 the lb opportunity for me im hog bo n i Tell them of alfalfa SlOW we in m tit iii L fr hom fiU M 1 Y years Y ago Tell them tIm of the b gravity ui intestine gallon bo system insuring orm a crop croo se I y Year yeam vr TELL THEM that b bu binding a new now form farm arm me amess acT w. w work and ond and ODd MORE WORK ORI wes Then Th send d ad us va the b. name m. m andI d a we w. WIll 11 mJ 4 d them the booklets booklet II of 01 I z end and piot es your You 0 new now our nor wonderful Delta Del C.- C. Country 4 Y You yea DO tr will be ba this the company compon your Dor listed and ond yourself a favor f- Woo Wont dD due u oda today today does Western Securities Company Sole Sol licus uon A. A Agents f for Delta Land Lond and |