Show Deseret Dom s County Supt of or Sc Schools s A A. J J. J Ashman was wait a recent VISitor The Petty orchestra was employed em- em loyed in Lynndyl on the Fourth Gibson i his on Cowan of Nephi was wait renewing old acquaintances here hem recently MIss Ora Hales Is i. the guest o of f her aun aunt Mrs Mra John P. P Peterson in I. Fillmore this week MISs Blanche Dewsnup r return urn ed early in m the wee week it ft from go n a v. v VI it to Ie her parents m in Millner Idi Id Ida Horace Hales Hale and an family of Redmond are visiting Mr Halt Halm mother Mrs M M. J J. J hales tt this Us ek eek MISS Robinson while on nn the then return n trip from Salt Lake to toJ FIllmore Fill paid a visit vist to her alster sister sis sis- ter Mrs E. E J J. J Eliason Mr Geo Kelly Mrs In Manam Mariam Crandall randall Commander on Westwood tw arZ Geo Harrison Hamson and Albert Harmer Har mer who were in m attendance at athe atthe he the funeral of Virgil Kelly returned re- re turned on the early morning tram Monday to their homes m in ville Mrs W. W R. R another another an- an oth other party went to Moi Muntana Mr r Virgil Kelly I died at the home lome of his its daughter r. Mrs Jos Jo W W. Damron shortly after five lock Thursday afternoon July 2nd nd The illness which proved fatal atal is believed to date daUo from an injury he received when hen thrown from a horse while In Montana Monts Is last ast September Impressive ImpressIve funeral services were we held in the Deseret Ward Chaple Sunday afternoon The building was wals filled fil- fil led to its capacity and many were e unable to gain gam ad admittance A profusion of floral offerings P. P aid I mute Ste tribute to I ISte the he high r regard re- re gard jard 1 in m which the departed deputed wa was he held eld eldA Mr Kelly had f ret fet e t for weeks that lat death alone would end his suffering offering which had extended over ver a period of nine months month and nd calmly I to talked ked kh to his fam Ift ly lynd and nd Inca friends s of f his p passing on It was wait his desire that the a Indian War Var Ve trans should conduct the funeral The service m in every detail as he had arranged it was wall conducted by Commander Lehigh R. R Cropper of the Deseret Post Geo Gen Harrison Hamson State Chorister assisted by Genevive lv t fJ 1 04 l the war wat an anWard and andWard d dWard Ward choir sang with tenderness several everal numbers Mrs C C. A A. Broaddus and her double quartette quartette ette feelingly rendered Gently Lead eadus us Resolutions Resolution of respect from Fillmore and it Millard Co Go organ organizations of 1 W. W V. V were read by Frank i ank Slaughter The speakers r Pres Pre A A. A A. Hinckley State a Commander Commander Com Com- ma m- m mander r W Westwood as tr of f I P Ile A AJ J Robinson b a- a of Fill I no more r L L. R. R Cropper Prior and J. J Jos Jue W W. Dam Damron on onI Sr all 11 I paid tribute to the many say excellent exle ex ex- exI I qualities and character of the le decedent The service closed with prayers by hy Wm Win V V. Black and nd James Terry of Hinckley I Mrs Broaddus at the organ play I Ii ed d the march f for the he departing i friends and t h h a ban from Hinckley rendered the theair I air took look place in the cIty Mr Kelly I Iwas was born in Cottonwood Oct 10 1851 two weeks after his parents m In Utah He was wait left motherless at the tender age of I three but was more fortunate than han many in that thet he was wals re rend reared and nd loved by one of exception ally strong and ter er and to whom he a ever at attributed attrib- attrib ui d the best hest in m life Mr Kelly was well known throughout the wes west having traveled the entIre western states and pIOneered through N Nevada evad and northern norther Ao ia To the latter state Y he was called in 1877 in m connection connect o orious With his wife's father A. A F. F Barron to labor among the md- md tons Jans He met with marked suc cess m in this mISsIOn As a memo mem ber of his hla church and cItizen Mr Kelly held various rious offices of tru trust He served as sheriff of Millard Co two terms and at the pi present present pre pre- sent filled the office of chairman of Old folks Committee of the Deseret Stake He was also 1st Vice Commander of the I I. I W W. V V. of tile the State of Utah In thIs to see I the he e aged spent i Vel Veterans his best S efforts of f the Black Hawk Hawl war receIve their rightful dues was wait hIs most ay ar dent desIre Mr Kelly is survived by hy his hi widow and the following ch children Idren Mrs J JW W Damron Virgil Wm Win Kelly Mrs A D D. Ryan Eyan Gen Ceo L L. Kelly of and Marcus 0 O. Kelly Two children an m in fant and Mrs Roe Hoe Kelly Erickson Erick Erick- son having preceded him CARD OF THANKS To the host of friends who vh with their presence and man many expressions of sympathy and kindly assistance so ao nobly nohly aided dur during ng the many weeks of suf fering of the their r late and lamented lament lament- ed father the family of Mrs Virgil Kelly wish to extend their thanks h s and r d deepest sr obligation |