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Show NORTH TRACT Hello Folks, So much snow you can't think of anything else As the pioneers used to say, "knee high to a tall squaw." Pot-luck supper looked pretty big to Dick Clark. Every time he turned around there were more of the folks coming. Just seemed like the house wouldn't hold them. The Woods Fidels Munsters Harrises Har-rises Meinhardts Moodys De Lapps Heises Walkers Winds and Hills Maleys Footes the Barbens Dones Hersleffs Dal-leys Dal-leys Clarks Wilcoxes Morten-sens Morten-sens etc. And about half minds had run to bringing pie Dick Clark said "Now there's something to write about." I don't know if he mean't the pie or the party. Either one was good. Marvin Moody won high prize. The Sugarville ward gave a farewell fare-well party Friday night for the fellows going into service. The attendance at the Tuesday night party for Cadet Russell Lar-sen Lar-sen was fair despite the weather. Cadet Larsen looks swell in his uniform. Sgt. Russell Jackson's new address ad-dress is in care of the Postmaster at San Francisco. There was an accident out at mine, but fortunately, no lives were lost. The timbers of the loader load-er gave way and caterpillar, ore and all crashed a truck said to be Sherman Perkins. Arch Poulsen had just got out of the cab when the accident happened. We were all glad to shake Mr. Adamson's hand always glad to see the old-timers. His daughter, Mrs. Poulsen is recovering nicely from her recent operation. Mr. and, Mrs. Roy Bendixon are here from Milford visiting with the Mrs' parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Boothe. Mr. Done, father of J. Done, is here visiting his son and family. He hails from Mecca, Indiana. Jesse Done and Rufus Clark made a business trip to Salt Lake City on Monday. Mr. Oppenheimer spent several days in Beaver last week. Max Johnson is making a shipment ship-ment of 41 hogs today. Max figures fig-ures he's made a little on them. They are fine porkers. Max fed on a commercial basis buying all his feed and pigs, so the venture speaks for itself. One milk man leaves us today Now we are told Dee Orton will make the run out from town and back. Means we will have to have two sets of cans. Cutler Henrie, Dewey Sanford, Carl Theobald and John Cahoon each sold a car of cattle on Monday. Mon-day. Now they are snowed in and can't spend the money, but neither do they have to wade out to feed the darned things lucky guys if you ask me. One or two truck loads of hay are rolling out every day to Beaver. Beav-er. Mr. Greenwood of Beaver is doing do-ing the trucking. Walker's store reports a steady sale of aspirin to farmers who have been making out their income tax reports. How about it, folks? Why don't you telephone me your news? 1 surely would like to get your name bout in the paper, but if I don't know about you, how can I? Be sure to telephone your news to Jay Bea. |