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Show CLASSIFIED DEPART AUTOS. JWkTT 525 REWARD Roll DeveloDelOvrrr 8 Hish Gloss PrinL " V'' REPRINTS i 1 s,!e FOX STUniOS. ' SS,,?81. months for SI "tADER S Dljj DARWIN CROSSMAN i PERSONAL , per pifiirEs from liquidated merchant: bottles. Bracelet, "mm IVJ'-, Chanel 5, Shali'ma? BChni Kt " Shocking White Shoulder r,TJ' each (Regular S22.50I? pr?I'iw': Buy U.SrStjvjrlj; COME AND YOU FEEL GLUM I Try This Delicious Chewing-Gum Laxative When you roll and ton oil ,sb) , adachy and Just awful because yo Z laxative -do this ... ' Chew iTEN-i-MiNT-iiellcloui eta-, i gum laxative. The action of rara-i.": ' special medicine "dctouhs" the sto--' ' That Is, It doesn't act while in tw 1 ach, but only when farther Uraii,."' lower digestive tract... where joam to act. Tou feel fine again quicUti " ' And scientists say chewing m,. ' iten-a-mint's fine meolclhe more o f tlve "readies" It so it flows gently'- -the system. Get feen-a-uint at any u drug counter-25, 50 or only.... Ill f FAMOUS CHEWIKC-CUM LAMTlVj C r 24 Apply Black Lof . . roosts with handiC; ;' "A iil3sr rus' riseii I'KFTlr 'ice and fcathermito,:.-jJ4,friv1f) fcathermito,:.-jJ4,friv1f) Sickens perch. Onic.:.. TfrfzZ 7 treats 60 feel of re: u -90 chickens. Direr.-25L Direr.-25L on package. Ask for:. .ni;vTJ'l' Leaf 40, the depr::'. ;- siEi5 insecticide of many k 'x. W5MjMIJ Tobacco By-ProdBctitCir; t" jtdsr Corporation Richmond,);;-. mm It. SORETONE Liniments Heating Pad Actio Gives Quick Relief:'; Whenfatigue,exposurepulmiseryinini5K' dons and back, relieve such symptom:.. with the liniment specially made for this y- Soretone Liniment contains eflectur r:r cient ingredients that act like glowiu n" p-, from a heating pad. Helps attract fresh s-- ' blood supply. Soretone is in a class by itsdl. Fa r satisfying relief assured or pnee rcfurK ' Economy size J 1. 00. " Try Soretone for Athlete's Fool Usi types of common fungi on contictl . !- . - "j' I t 1 " . -I jj ! N r h .group of people h Why not change to UW ' . Calox today... ffc. ; teeth can start lookmS brighter tomorrow! Mon&jt;;; WNU W X k H Vf !?lx"iT By Harold 'Arnett I if m I, , WHEEL DRESSER 13 , A GRINDING WHEEL WyrK - CAN BE TRUED WITH tuot . DISCARDED HACKSAW - y js&k BLADE. SET THE TOOL fV . ABOUT h IN. FROM WHEEL. (fffJwWf( I LAY SAW BLADE FLAT ' JU HP SliW I 0N REST AT45 DEGREE Nfegj? ANGLE TO WHEEL EDGE. ZgHp?5 ; FEED BLADE BACKAND FORTH. HACKSAW n fi&k BLADE STUNT ft HACKSAW CAN BE USED X IN PLACE WHERE THERE . I j ISN'T ROOM FOR SAW FRAME BY HOLDING BLADE AS SHOWN. BLADE |