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Show SUTHERLAND . . . Friends and relatives in Sutherland Suther-land received cards announcing the marriage of Miss Lottie Lou Lund-ell, Lund-ell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Lundell, of Benjamin, and Cleve Anderson in the Manti temple on Mar. 10. Mr. Rulon Anderson and daughter Laurie , Mrs. Eunice Mae and children, Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Larsen attend the reception Saturday Sat-urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lamond Bunker Mrs. Bunker's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Woodbury, of Hinckley, made a visit last week to St. George. Bro. Woodbury has several sisters and many relatives in the vicinity. They went thru the temple several times and inter esting to note is the fact that the the Woodburys were married in the St. George temple 52 years ago and this is their first time to go thru this temple since their marriage mar-riage there. The Jolly Stitchers had the usual nice time last Friday afternoon at the club house. Mrs. Hattie Harris and Mrs. Zelda Evans were hostesses. host-esses. The business meeting was brief. Mrs. Nell Sorenson gave a stimulating sales talk and pased out tickets to be sold for the U. of U. band concert of Mar. 20, as a hospital benefit. The members who were to be on the program were not present on account of illness. Everybody there enjoyed a free for all visit. Mrs. Charles Jensen told us that John DeLapp had heard of Dr. Tracy thru a letter from a minister who answers John's letters of inquiry. in-quiry. She was well and busy taking tak-ing care of her self. Some old. friends fri-ends of the North Tract Mr. and Mrs. Clemments and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson had visited her. Mrs. John Wind brought ,as her guest Mrs. Doris Jensen of Wend-over Wend-over w;ho is here for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Kimber will soon be residents of Sutherland. Suther-land. They will live in the house occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Lee Talbot. Tal-bot. The Talbots are building a home on their property. The hostess served a nice lunch lun-ch to 25 members and guests. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Skidmore of Salt Lake City visited during the week at the home of his son, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Skidmore. Mrs. Charles Williams of Kanosh spent last week visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Walker |