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Show Miltaid County ChrOnfcfe Wf , L Delta, Ut., Thurs., Apriljl.1948 ! ! j COMPLETE ! STOCK 1 of BICYCLE SUPPLIES Bring in that old bike, and let us make it like NEW DELTA AUTO SUPLY AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLYJ ' HEADQUARTERS 1 f THE FINEST I APPLIANCES v MADE ARE NOW AVAILABLE n G. E. Radio Phonograph , console $16.75 jj G. E. Range $169.75 G. E. Refrigerator $183.75 G. E. 40 gal water heater $129.75 ; . G. E. Vacuum Cleaner .... $53.25 j G. E. Dishwasher $234.75 ji G. E. Home Freezer $239.75 S I , .. G. E. Automatic Washer $349.75 j G. E. Automatic Ironer $229.75 - G. E. Clocks - Sunlamps - Fans p J . Heating Pads - Automatic Blan- j kets - Toasters - Mixers - Waf- - A k fie Irins - Flatirons - Steam I Irons. ?' i :' f I 1 ' EASY TERMS - PHONE 44 j GOLDEN H. BLACK & SON BUY YOUR GROCERIES WHERE ECONOMY PAYS2 The DELMART Grocery Department under I. G. A. Supervision Super-vision is able to buy for less and consequently sell for less. COME IN AND COMPARE PRICES CRISCO, 3 lbs $1.22 NUCOA.Ib 47$ SPIC & SPAN 24C Best Sugar, 10 lbs 96e KrWhite,3for..25eJELLO'3for "23c SAIII - FLUSH, Ige 20C VEU9e-P; 33t FRANCO - AMERICAN SOUP MIX NOODLE. 3 for 33$ BEEF GRAVY 15 Posf s Grap8nuts m Swansdown Cake Flour 39c Pa$te WaXpt m Canned Milk, 4 for .". . . 55c Qt 90c i POST TENS 31C GEM FLOUR, 48 lbs . $3.50 FRANCO - AMERICAN SPAGHETTI, 14C White Rose Flour ... $3.15 SEEDLESS DEL MONTE ,. .. RAISIHS,15oz 15C LETTUCE, lb IOC SNO-KREEM . . SHORTENING, 3 lbs. .$1.20 TOMATOES, lb 27e Apple Pye Quick . . . ..39eJCARR0TS,2for...25g Mothers: Watch ymv pennies mount to dollars in savings with I.G.A.'s Everyday LOW PRICES! OUR ANNUAL Spring SaDe j Beginning at 10 a.m. - ; , And continuing until all stock ' are sold. Several Hundred Feeder, Stock - er and Fat Cattle. If you have Cattle for sale list i them with us. IS you wish to buy be here. Where Buyer and Seller Meet-Situated Meet-Situated on the U.P. Railroad j Delta livestock li j Auction Co. ' Delta, Utah j :- Uncle Sam Says Does a $1,000 in savings seem as elusive as (he rainbow's pol of gold to you? Then, think about these facts: By joining the Payroll Savings Sav-ings Plan where you work and allotting al-lotting just 2.50 a week for United States Savings Bonds, you will accumulate ac-cumulate $1,440.84 in 10 years. Millions Mil-lions of my nieces and nephews are learning from experience that they can own an even greater amount of Savings Bonds through this partial par-tial payment plan. In the event you are self-employed, automatic bond buying is available to you through the Bond-A-Month Plan at your bank. U. S. Treasury Department -- , ., - |