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Show ', . Millard Countv Chronicle O Delta, Ut., Thurs., April 1,1948 CITY tiiii Mae H. Shipley Special Easter pioeram at Sun-'da- y School was: Talks by Cloyd Talbot, Alice Anderson, Reed Lov-e- ll and Ellis Anderson; piano duet, Colleenand Maurine Anderson; vo-!c-duet, Georgia and Paul Finlin-so- n, accompanied by Ramona n. Many enjoyed the Stake MIA play at Delta Sunday evening. Monday evening the 1st ward MIA play was enjoyed in the ward recreation hall by a large audi-ence. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hales and children, were Oak City visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peterson and Ted Nielson, spent a few days in Salt Lake City, this past week. Mr. Earl Harris and children, D:ine. and Pauline Lovell, met the Freedom Train at Provo. They en-joyed this trip very much. Lennox Finlinpon and family, of Provo. visited Sunday afternoon with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Finlinson. Tuesday evening the Special In- - terest Group of the MIA, enjoyed a party. A book review was given by Gene L. Gardner. Refreshments were served. Richard and Roma Chirstensen and Ramona Finlinson, visited here from Cedar City, this weekend; al-so Dorothy Nielson and Barbara Anderson from St. George, were visitors. Mrs. Florence Jones had as visit-ors her children, James Hegyessy, of Salt Lake City and Mrs. Cather-"in- e Moulton, of Heber City. Mrs. Moulton will visit a few days. Mr. Hegyessy returned to Salt Lake Monday. Friday, March 26, Mrs. Peter Niel-son and Mrs. Robert Nielson and daughter, motored to Salt Lake, to meet Robert Nielson, recently discharged from the armed service. Ail of the Oak City boys are now home that have been away. Miss Kathleen Lovell, a nurse at Richfield, visited her father and other relatives and ' friends, two days last week. Easter Sunday marked the. 76th birthday of Geo. D. Shipley. Thirty-thre- e members of his family visit-ed him and ate an Easter lunch, NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Millard County Commissioners will ' accept bids for the roofing and guttering of the Old Sugar Factory i building at Delta, Utah on or be-- i fore Wed. April 7, 19-1- at 10 a. m. i Plans and specifications may be i had by calling or writing the Coun-- 1 ty Clerk's office at Fillmore, Utah. ; Elwood Lambert County Clerk. First publication March 11, 1948. ' Final publication April 1, 1948. 'holdimac! DONT CASH that SUBSISTENCE CHECK IF YOU TUlNk you're not entitled TO IT. . . CONTACT YOUR NEAREST VA OFFICE INSTEAD -- & A ,-- v.j nor 8 8 1 V &yC5 Irchest 'fL-th- . - Si o --ami ?! IT'S AM OLD SAW! ny Oi ,, rough But it's still very true! . . . Only quality pays stetu especially when it comes to choosing top-- d ,t0 quality materials you need for building and the f B. M repair jobs! ;f Utt .hsy That's why its' a good idea to deal with a reli- - rfwhic able, established concern like the Tri-Sta- te toWhoC; Lumber Co. to be sure of getting really su- - for tl; perior quality materials at prices that are al- - being ways fair and squarel of C01 outside Way i We'll be glad to talk with you about your eSajd building and repair jobs so stop in soon and dths talk it over! the I -- - ;l.u?ss;! for o:: r :: " ;l:vi'C 'riT&;i''YLUMBEn C0 aurice: t -r 3 ky&? f:?- - rUfSs': mnm.wmaJ " - ,, n.lU .11 iduct i; n, .r-t-W, ,r- -fw. Oct" n can't' be measured' by iho doESor sign alone When you buy a used car you don't merely buy an automobile you expect to buy depend-able transportation. That's what we sell used cars that assure you of thousands of miles of transportation backed by the integrity of a ZT. Ford-authoriz-ed dealer. iZAf.t ) CURTIS MOTOR COMPANY delta - irL Fleece twine, and wool bags. Al-so sheep paint. Reed Turner, Delta. Adv. Tabe !7 at ; E. Sr: ymph'; M 0U ARL1Y DAY, APRIL 6, h Syr ffi; there's somclliinrj you can do for WORLD PEACE i r Jte rmy Day is the day every American can set aside --VvJ - to salute the men in uniform. And this year, par- - f ticularly, it is a day for every young man in the nation to consider the contribution he can make j to World Peace, n Ty 1 j Right now you have the finest 100 volunteer . , Army of any nation in the history of the world. But it ls stiU below the strength authorized by :ul'i,; Congress. Able men are needed for the Infantry, ody f'- Artillery and Armored Cavalry, bring You can make a contribution to World Peace by that's: joining the National Guard or the Organized Re- - jing- -l serve Corps. These splendid civilian components ns, so-- have been credited by top military leaders for much of the success in quick mobilization and actual winning of the last war. Today they are ' way important factors in backing up the strength of !Xpen!j the Regular Army. . Both Veterans and ns who meet re- - w; quirements are eligible to enlist in the Organized j es aI,; Reserve Corps. Veterans retain the grade and rating " earned in the Army. In many high schools and most colleges, you can " join the R.O.T.C. and get your military training ;; and credit toward a Reserve commission along with your education. M" Any one of these steps that you can take on j Army Day will help toward making America strong. And it has never been truer than right now that A Strong America. Is A Peaceful America. Make a point, on April 6, of stopping in at your I: U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force Recruiting Station i and getting the information about the part you can play toward World Peace. j: i . ON ARMY DAY - Display your American Hag Organized Reserve Corps V Wear your Veteran's lapel or button Ask for literature at your Find out how you can make local reruitin8 station. a contribution to World . fmm' Peace in the Regular Army, STRONG the National Guard, the AMERICA IS .m A PEACEFUL ) U43.Qti(Sp1IDl ; AMERICA fO'l I r - tXHIITS ": " v !. 6 J U. S. Army Recruiting Station ?j County Office Delta, Utah i tv f vt I Ah I r i a This $fmQ,4ir$tlk'mf... i ::; you've got a date that just can't wait! and all working parts are actually "gs FS Oil-Plate- i fiT!7 I So, clear out! Get down the street, J.xTTi h where a Conoco Mileage Merchant can Because this extra Oil-Platin- g stays VJ tl drain out dirty, contaminated winter "P on cylinder walls ... won't all drain A j ' oil and refill with down to your crankcase, even V T V Spring-tim- e Conoco overnight N' . . . the oil that Oil-Plate- s as it l SnOCO N' T AH , Motor Oil 7 lubricates., ?rra-protec- ts from "dry- - L t friction" starts ... from power-chokin- g f f 1 It's like this: When N' Oil (Pat- - sludge and carbon due to wear! J f hr'1 f ented) enters your engine, a special That.s why for extra.coo eMra added ingredient fastens extra lubricant powerful, extra low-co- st miles you'd Jl X II so closely to metal that cylinder walls better... W7YD Copyright 1948. Continental OU Company u. 8. Pat. Noa. 1.914,941 and 2 218 132 "&di JIL I I . & a cfate iv Oi L-PL-ATE f zJ Norman Gardner DISTRIBUTOR .:y...::' J." i' "S Steps'--- - v - ft ( ci It? ' " ' ' ' " ' 1 . j MORE MEN WANT A CLEAN SHIRT EVERY DAY, according to Roy Bradt, left, president of the American Washer and Ironer Manufacturers' Association. Here he discusses current sales figures with N. D. Johnson and J. A. Andersen of Salt Lake City, regional managers for Maytag washers. Bradt says that a recent survey shows Americans are becoming more cleanliness conscious. More washers are being sold than ever before. E2E! SAFE, AT 1B03IE The period between April 11 - 17, 1948 has been designated by Gov-ernor Ilerherr. E. Maw as "HOME SAFETY WEEK". All persons and organizations are invited to cooper-ate with the Home Division of the Ut-i- Safety Council in making this week an outstanding success by ex-tending and dispensing safety edu-cation that will prevent accidents in the home and save life and pro-perty and avoid the sorrow, suffer-ing and needles destruction that re-sults from these mishaps. SAFE AT HOME is a paradox. More accidents happen at home than in any other place. The Na-tional Safety Council lists the ac-cident death toll in homes of the United States as 32,500, in 1947, a slight decrease of 2 over 1946. In Utah there were 89 accidental deaths in 1947 in home accidents; 38 from falls, 13 from burns, scalds and fires, 10 from suffocation and 28 from other causes. ' This record shows an improve-ment over 1946 when 148 deaths were caused from home accidents: The Home Division of the Utah Safety Council feels that this rec-ord has been accomplished due to the interest and cooperation of many individuals, civic and church groups. It is hoped that all will continue their interest and coop-eration in this great humanitarian effort. Loss of 89 persons who might otherwise be alive today, contribut-ing to a better way of life, its too great a price to pay for careless-ness or ignorance of safety rules or regulations. There are but few accidents that could not be avoid-ed. Death by accident is not the whole picture by far. Many hours of suffering is caused where death is not involved, hours of labor lost, and money needlessly wasted. The theme, "BE SAFE AT HOME" was chosen because it is in the home where the first habits, at-titudes and practices of the child are formed. His earliest environ-ment and home training will large-ly influence his behavior all thru his life and determine his safety consciousness. in his honor. The children all brot present and paid their respects to "him. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Christensen were visitors in Salt Lake City the past week. - Under the direction of their lead-ers, Glenn Christensen and Joy Roper, the explorer boys entertain-ed the Junior Girls Friday evening. Dancing was enjoyed, and ice cream, co.okies and root beer was served. The wedding .dance for Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson, was a large and joyous affair. Many lovely and useful present were given. Mr. Pet-erson and two sisters of the bride were present from Salt Lake: also cousins of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to change or appropriate water in Millard County, State of Utah, throughout the entire year, unless otherwise designated, all locations being from SLB&M. To Change: - U. S. Indian Service-Kan-os- h Indian Res. co Forrest R. Stone, Supt. Ft. Duchesne, Ut. pro-poses to change the point of div-ersion and place of use of 2.0 sec. ft. of water right acquired by Ap-plication No. 11277. Tlfe water was to have been diverted from Mor-tense- n Spring at a point S. 3240 ft. and W. 1090 ft. from Oak Springs at a point S. 1050 ft. and E. 140 ft. - both from N1, Cor. Sec. 12, T23S, R5W, and used from Apr. 1 to Nov. 15 to irrigate 130 acres of land embraced in SWVi Sec. 12, T23S, R5W, and for year-roun- d incidental domestic use. Hereafter, the above a quantity of water will be .diverted from Mortensen Spring at a point S. 3330 ft. and" W. 700 ft. and from Oak Spring Area at- - a point S. 1050 ft. and E. 52 ft. - both from NVi Cor. Sec. 12, T23S, R5W. The Oak Spring Area, beginning at the point of collection is embraced in the following traverse: N. 150 ft, E. 400 ft, Sv 300 ft, W. 400 ft. and N. 150 ft, to beg. The water from Mortensen Snring will be conveyed by ditch a distance of 600 ft. and from Oak Snring Area will be con-veyed by 6in. pipe a distance of 12,112 ft. where it will be used from Anr. 1 to Nov 15, as a sup-plemental supply to irrigate 197.44 acres of land embraced in WVj Sec. 10 and NSWH Sec. 12, T23S, R5W, and for year-roun- d domestic purposes. To Appropriate: 19235 - United States of America - Bureau of land Management, P. O. Box 659, Salt Lake City, Ut. 12.0 ac ft. for stock-waterin- g use from an Unnamed Wash, tributary to Sevier River at a point S. 28 24'W 1420 ft. from W Cor. Sec. 6, T19S, R10W, which is the cen-ter of an impounding dam con-structed to a height of 7 ft. 3 inches. The reservoir will unundate 1.3 acres of land embraced in SEMSEVi Sec. 1, T19S, R11W. The water will be stored when avail-able and used to water 500 cattle. 19261 - Geo. F. Sims, Gandy Rt, Garrison, Ut. .3 sec. ft. for irriga-tion use from a 16-i- well bet' 60 and 350 ft. deep at a point N. 2768 ft. and W. 50 ft. from SW Cor. Sec. 3, T17S, R19W. The water, will be used from February 1 to May 30 and from August 1 to Nov. 31 to irrigate 80 acres of land em-braced in Sees. 3 and 4, T17S, R19W, and year-roun- d incidental stock-waterin- g and .domestic pur-poses. 19283 - Eugene H. Owens, Box 211 Delta, Ut. .022 sec. ft for domestic use from a lM-i- n. well bet. 100 and 400 ft. deep at a point S. 216.56 ft. and W. 860.06 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 5, T17S, R7W. 19292 - Loren Talbot, Hinckley, Ut. .015 sec. ft. for stock-waterin- g use from a lH-i- n. well bet. 150 and 250 ft. deep at a point N. 1320 ft. and W. 10 ft. from SE Cor. Sec. 17, T17S, R7W. 19331 - M. Cutler Henrie, Delta, Ut. .022 sec. ft. for domestic use from a lV-i- well bet. 180 and 200 ft. deep at a point S. 1345 ft. and E. 50 ft. from N4 Cor. Sec. 29, T16S, R7W. 19338 - W. R. Walker, Delta, Ut. .03 sec. ft. for stock-waterin- g use from a n. well bet. 100 and 250 ft. deep at a point S. 1920 ft. and E. 120 ft. from NW Cor. Sec. 14, T16S, R8W. 19457 - Hinckley Ward L. D. S. Church, Hinckley, Ut. .05 sec. ft. for irrigation use from a well 815 ft. deep at a point S. 1755 ft. and E. 310 ft. from NW Cor'. Sec. 20, T17S, R7W. The water will be used from Apr. 1 to Sept. 30 to irrigate 1.0 acre of land embraced in SW'4NWyi Sec. 20, T17S, R7W, and for year-roun- d incidental dom-estic and sanitary purposes. 19480 - Hinckley Town Corpor-ation, Hinckley, Ut. 0.15 sec. ft. for irrigation use from a lVi-inc- h well bet. 150 and 300 ft. deep at a point N. 1592 ft. and E. 1011 ft. from SW Cor. Sec. 7, T17S, R7W. The water will be used from Mar. 15 to Nov. 15 to irrigate 10 acres of land embraced in SENW1! SW Sec. 7, T17S, R7W. Protests resisting the granting of any of the foregoing applications with reasons therefor, must be in affidavit form with extra copy and filed with the State Engineer, 403 State Capitol, Salt Lake City 1, Utah, on or before May 22, 1948. Ed. H. Watson STATE ENGINEER. First publication March 25, 1948. Final publication April 22, 1948, PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES For further details consult the undersigned or Elwood Lambert, Clerk of Millard County, Utai.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Kinley Nielson Deceas-ed. Creditors will present, claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Leamington, Millard County, Utah on or before the 15 day of May A. D. 1948. Jerald Lovell Administrator of the Estate of Kinley Nielson, deceased. Milton A. Melville, Attorney. First publication March 4, 1948. Final publication April 1, 1948. Alvin Callister, of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Ennis Alldredge, and family, from Ogden, were in Oak City, visiting and attended the wedding dance. Mr. and Mrs. Carwin Nielson were Oak City Visitors this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Roper visited their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Matthews, in Nephi, Easter Sunday. Mrs. Clara Talbot returned home from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Clara Wells, at Clearfield. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Joint Estate of Cass Lewis and Almeda Lewis. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Del-ta, Millard County, Utah, on or be-fore the first day of June, 1948. Irene Little, Administratrix of the joint estate of Cass Lewis and Almeda Lewis. Eldon A. Eliason, Attorney. First publication April 1, 1948. Final publication April 29, 1948. |