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Show Crocheted PansiJ On Lovely Chairgg 5 7 05,' . "ve"7 lovely chaT x certain to be a piece to 1, : ure. Giant pansies, crochets ? the authentic colorings of the 1 ' ers, are done in a heavier th usual cotton,. The set cJr quickly and easily made. ' . To obtain complete crochet! i lions, stitch illustrations and L1" tions for Giant Pansies Set ipll "-' 5705) send 20 cents in eoin Yn, i'S Address and Pattern Number Dua to an unusually large dem, i i current conditions, slightly mn , required in filling orders for , !L" most popular patterns. 01 Send your, order to: SEW1NQ CIRCLE NEEDLEwiwTl 28 Mission St., San Francisco 2 t Enclose 20 cents lor pattern. " No Name Address CLASS I RED DEPART MEN i f- HELP WANTED W0MFV GIRL for General Work about dJwTT fice. $100 per month and room. Ainu J, ' Technician. $176 and room. Give aie ' rieion and references. Q. E. Ftrtitr u f; : PIOCHB HOSPITAL, Pioche. NtT.il, ' i LIVESTOCK Don't Take Chances with CalTil i 90?. of which are caused by vitamin ' ciency. Prevent ondtreatnutrllinnb In calves with Dr. LeGear's Call vS: -Easy to give, effecUve and economic ' POULTRY, CHICKS &Fgrip : Start Baby Chicks rtieht! UTrj77 A-A Poultry Tabs m'all their dSfe c ter for effective, economical med E": -Satisfaction guar. Be ready with n, r Gear's A-A Tabs when your cB aw,1? SEEDS, PLANTSJEtC. ' 300,000 FRUIT A NUT TREES WesDi grown Peaches. Apples. Pears, p-..' ; Plums Apricots, Cherries, Walnut im grow best in your climate. Vininn 2 :': Cane Berries. Strawberries 700 VarVt send for 48 page catalog. Agenu wi ' ' Tualatin Valley Nurseries, Sherwiol, Ife WANTED TO BUY ; WE BUY AND SELL : Office Furniture. Files, Typewriter! Adj. " ing Machines, Safes, Cash Recisters -: SALT LAKE DESK EXCHANGE -023 South Stale St., Salt Laiu Cill, In ' A Safe, Sound Investment-Buy Investment-Buy U. S. Savings Bondi! : GIVE THEM GOOD-TASTINt s SCOTT'S EMULSION ' Helps build atamina - helpi bn!l! . resistance to colds, if yonngsten dool - Set enough natural A4D Vitaminll '-: fScott'i is a high eneiu FOOD TONIC - V - mine" of natural AiD ' Vitamins and tmrrr ; building natural oil S" -' to take. Many ooeton r.;, recommend It I Buy t"iu tx your drug store. WORE than just a tonic- 'ft powerful nounViiwrfl i.' BMMSSDI Driven nearly frantic by itching; burning of simple piles, that K you fidgeting in discomfort? Countless sufferers are findiM told relief from such distress E bathing tender parts ynth the tf; gently-cleansing lather of. Re : Soap then applying soothing, ' S, fully medicated Resinol Ointment Why don't you try this time-t w easy way to long-lasting wmlo WNU-W J SPEEBED-U? COIfflS X for so-called , KIDNEY SUFFER : Backaches. lee pains, broken sleep. PJ J : agos usually go so much quicker . to Foley (the new k.dney-bladde' bU!- .j timulatesluKsishkidnc-:theaAi-V0 :, DEK IRRITATION. That's ta J , pains, aches, urges one) thous" " j g r ,' Udnn: So for quicker, longo-lw"",V ) tcotht bladder as well aa stimulate lew Do this: use Foley (lb "'"Ske :? Pill.; they alao have direct sedative- .t , on bladder. At your druggiet. jxl' them lar more satiaiMtory, DO"'"-" MONEY BACK. ,. A |