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Show Chatter Box Dear Suzy, You would think after three marriages mar-riages within a short time at the Norman Erickson home in Sutherland Suther-land everything would be so well worked out that the evening would roll along as smooth as butter on a hot plate. But the last marriage there hardly followed those lines. First off Norma Erickson Evans was appointed chief phone answerer ans-werer for the evening and when anyone called up habit was so strong that she invariably answered answer-ed the phone by saying "Brook-lawn "Brook-lawn Creamery." Now this was hardly the proper thing to do at a wedding and many a guest who called was quite upset to think that the wedding and reception was being held in the creamery. Of course, I think that was all Glen Hortin's fault as he is always trying try-ing to get in a plug for the cream-erv. ery. Then when Wanda Beckwith I showed up to 'take the wedding pictures because Fuzz was home nursing more sore teeth than he actually has in his head, everything every-thing rolled along smooth until the 1st picture when the bride got too close to a candle and burned off her veil. This caused no end of excitement as the guests watched watch-ed the flames rolling ceilingward taking the veil with them. Now no one has the forethought to add a fire extinguisher to the necessary accessories at the wedding, so the flames consumed the veil leaving the bride, bridegroom and guests very wide-eyed with the deal. The picture was taken finally after salvaging parts of veils from other occasions which was lucky that they have been having so many weddings at the Erickson home as to have spare veils handy. And to look at the picture one would not know that shortly before be-fore the bride was veiless and the orchestra was madly playing "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes." NeRee can save the picture and when her children ask her to come over and tend her grandchildren while they go gadding, which is one of the things a grandmother is for, she can show the picture to the kids and relate the horrors hor-rors of the evening in which she lost her veil and almost lost her hair as well. This idea of story telling- will no doubt keep the kids entertained for the evening and allow NeRee to put them to bed earlv so as to catch un on a little of her knitting. So even though it looked bad at the time anyone can see that only good will come from this episode, epi-sode, and when the young matrons get together in the future to compare com-pare notes on their wedding NeRee will be the only one in the group who can say, and with pride, "I'm the only bride in Millard County who got her veil burned off on my wedding night." One would think that when one's teeth get as scarce as Fuzz's teeth are he wouldn't have any trouble with them, but such is hardly the case. If they were buying teeth at a .dollar a tooth I don't think Fuzz could raise more than $1.75 for what he has left, and then to add insult to injury these same few teeth got up on their hind legs last week and started howling howl-ing until Fuzz's face looked as though he had gotten a bad deal when he let the bulldozer fall on him. I know Fuzz has all the bad habits in the book, but chewing tobacco is one that he has forgone, and I believe the only one, so the swelling is not "Climax" chewing tobacco, even though their ads in the past did sav the swelline was chewing tobacco, and even though there are some these days who have the effrontery to say that chewing tobacco in a wad in one's mouth is a sore tooth. I suppose there were times this weekend when Fuzz did wish it was chewing tobacco and would have gladly taken up that habit too to have gotten rid of the toothache. tooth-ache. But you can't blame the teeth for acting up because Fuzz has been having them snapped out so fast lately the few remaining ones just wanted to raise a little hell before they went into the discard dis-card too. This seems to be the reaction re-action at any time when a group sees their numbers being decimin-ated decimin-ated at a rapid rate, and they want to tnrow a tung Delore their number num-ber is up. Anyway Fuzz is sitting around grouchier than a bear with a sore, and at the present price of meat if he could just sell the swelling on his face he could collect a neat sum that would add considerably consid-erably t.o his income tax. He says as soon as he can he is going to get Pullman teeth an upper and a lower. Speaking of income tax the day is soon nigh when one parts with a tidy sum so as to keep the wolf away from the door of some government gov-ernment worker (I believe employee em-ployee would be a better word there than worker, so I will try and get Bob to change it.) But we can't sit around and see all those people starve to death, it would give us a bad impression with the Russians Rus-sians and they would use it a-gainst a-gainst us when they took over another an-other bunch of countries. |