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Show RRIGES FOR LOGAN CANYON BUNGA- LOM LOTS w i Editor Republican: At the suggestion sug-gestion ot many of tho business men of Logan City who deslicd to purchase pur-chase a summer cottago Bight nt tho Forks of Logan cans on at a reason, able price I requested tho Logan Real Estate association to appraise thoso lots and accordingly they have been so appraised and tho association associa-tion has handed to ma Its certificate of .' appraisal published below, at which prices tho lots are now offered offer-ed for sale. i The lots havo been appraised with the idea of making (If tho purchaser desires) two cottago sites fiom each of the long lots which are dlvlsable, and applications will be received for either the north half or the south ! half of these lots referred to In tho foHowIng appraisal as divisible, n separate water tap being placed for each of the half lots. Parties deshlng to purchaso should visit the Forks this week or during the early part ot next week and make their electloi)3 as many par-ties- havo signified their purpose foi buying Just as soon as tho appraisal I- published. The undersigned will bi at tho Forks during tho icmulnd- i of tho present week and will be phased to show all Interested par-i's par-i's over the project. Time pa-iih pa-iih nts will be arranged for those de-"lilng de-"lilng time. It requires but an Iiouv'b time over a srplcndid auto road to leaeh the Forks. Mako your sclec-ii sclec-ii u and submit iui Iniormiil application appli-cation without delay as these ery lots will more than double with (lie Sruut and Doohlvo camps now established estab-lished and tho advent of the New lunjon Hotel. GEORGE Q. RICH The following aro the prlvs f, . by the association: CERTIFICATE OK APPRAISAL State or Dtah, County of Cache ph. To Whom These Piesent Max Concern: Con-cern: f. H. A. Peilerreu, as piesldenl of the Logan Real Estate nssorhitlon, do heieby certify, that at the request George Q. Rich, owner or the lots numbered 2 tir 14 (both Inclnshe, "f Plat "A" of Logan Cniion Forks Survey, the undersigned togethei with tlueo other members of siilri ' association Iiono mane a peuon ' ' lsiectln of tho said lots and aim the' spring water npiiiutrnant tin u to, i which aie now to be offered for halt ' to tho public and have after a most eiirefiil, Inspection of said pioperty and after duo consideration of the I pinpej- mnrkot aluo thereof apprais-'I apprais-'I and do hereby apprnise the rejs-on.iblo rejs-on.iblo market valuo of each of sul' lots together with a permanent wnter ilt-iit from tho spring of water an nbzoil August 31. 1012, by tho Stato Chemist of Utah (Ilornmn Harms) said water to bo supplied by said owner to nnd upon each of said lots, nt his wn expenso through a galvanized gal-vanized plpo lino of not less than three Inches In diameter, nnd from said pipe lino to each lot (or the north or south half of each lotsnura- I bered C to H (both Inclusive) u, : means of nn Iron or lead pipe ( c-t not to exceed 3-4 Inch nt the purchasers pur-chasers own expense, at the following follow-ing named prices, viz; Lot Two we appraise at tho sum of I67G.00, east and south fionts. Lot Three wo appraise nt the sum of $7G0.00, east front. Lot Four we appraise at the sum of $500.00, south front on river. Lot Flvo we nppralso at the sum of J500.00, north front on highway. Lot Six we appraise at the sum of $800.00, divisible for both said north and south fronts. Lot Seven va nppralto at the sum of $7G0.00, divisible for both said north and Bouth fronts. Lot eight wo nppralso at tho sum ot $750.00, divisible fr both tho tvald north and south fronts. Lot Nino we appraise at the sum of $750.00 divisible for both said north and south fronts. Lot Ten wc appraise at the sum of $750.00, divisible for both sold north and south fronts. ....iot Eleven wo appraise nt tho Mini of $800.00, divisible for both north and south fronts. Lot Twelve wo opprnlMj at the sum of $800.00, divisible for both said notvh nnd south front. Lot Thirteen we appraise at tho mm or $800.00, divisible for both said north and south fronts. Lot Fourteen wo appraise at tho sum of $800.00, divisible for boll) fronts, either south or noith. It Is understood that the mnln pipe lino will bo owned nnd maintained nt tho expeteTe of the seller of the lot and that tho service pipes running thererrom will be placed and maintained main-tained nt the oYpciiM' or the pun litis, er or each lot, or of the purchaser or each north or south., one., half., of each nt tho said divisible lots. In wltnesa whereof, I, as the said President oT such association, have hereunto set my hand at Logan City. Utah, this file 21th day of August. 1321. jgv . A. PEDERSEN. raW President of tho "Logan J Real Estate Association. 'HI Attest: HJ ALFRED, I'ICOT. Secietnry. H Examlnlnit members or said nssoclu- J. Z. STEWART. H L. IT. DAINES, H GEORGE D. CARDON. M |