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Show Idaho Day Celebration at Franklin a Great Success One of the biggest crowds that over visited Franklin for Iduho Day since the organization of tho day's celebration was In attendance at Franklin yesterday. Thore wero probably 0000 people In tho town during the course of the day. Of representatives there wero some from every town In Cache valley, and somo coming from Salt Lake and Ogden. The town most represented was probably Logan, there bolng a big representation, from tho various people peo-ple interested from the Cache county metropolis. At the forenoon meetings, one held at tho meotlng bouse and tho other in the opera houso, both being well attended, In fact the halls wero far too small to tako care of tho large crowd. The principal speakers were Hon. Moses Alexander, acting governor, gov-ernor, and Secretary of State Harden Ilennlon of Utah, together with other prominent speakers. In tho afternoon tho large crowd was highly cntertalnod on tho public square by a baseball game ond other nmu3emonts. Tho basofall teams 1 wero represented by Wellsvlllo and Logan, tho final scoro bolng G to 2 In favor of the local team. It was ono of tho best games of hall moon In tho valley this year, Skancy and Squires wero the battery for tho local lo-cal team and Darley nnd Groon did tho heavy work for tho Wellsvlllo team. Immediately after tho baseball gamo, thcro was somo of tho best broncho busting done In tho valley, followed by bull rldera and polo climbing and othor numorous sports. Ezra P. Monson, mayor of tho town, and Illshop Parkinson announced an-nounced It ono of tho biggest successes suc-cesses of Idaho Day colobratlon'. Tho Hyde Park band playod numorous selections during the forenoon and afternoon, as well as giving music for tho danco In the evonlng. Prof. Engar's chorus girls gave a concert In tho meotlng house for the older peoplo who woro not Interested In-terested In attending the grand ball In tho dancing pavilion. Tho good peoplo of Franklin aro to bo congratulated on tho way they planned to entertain tho many visitors, visit-ors, and no doubt the annual colobratlon colo-bratlon will grow year by year If the same high class untertnlnmont Is provided as In the 1917 colebratlon. |