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Show 'The Tie-On Blouse ! Continues In Favor Fashion Accepts the Button, Fringe , and Tassel Now York, Sopt. 30. Now York, Fifth Avenue and Soptemborl Could thero bo a moro glorious combination? com-bination? Tho very air la charged with magic. Aa wo walk briskly along that wonderful thoroughfare wo vlow with kindly eyes tho passing throng, suelng all tho attractions and tho human fallings that are a part of this kaloldoscoplo scene, happy In their happiness and glad that they, too, aro allvo. A well-dressed crowd la always a study in psychology. Hero wo can traco tho lnfluonoo of passing events In tho nation's affairs; for tho V tM" II III lvl MeCiu. J5 j I S I " IUuo Scrgo Walking Oostumo. j .Jlracfl, and tho spirit of tho times, arc II clearly reflected In tho costumes of tho women. Thero aro creations, marvelous gowns, furs and coats, to bo seen, but about each there is a subduod eleganco of good tasto. Under the glamour of theso snappy days, ono can seo tho over-prosent feeling of tho seriousness of tho war. Wo simply can not dress appropriately when theso happy-go-lucky youngsters In khaki throng our streets and act as our escorts to places of amusements. Tho Battle of tho Hustle. Thero Is a restraint about everything, every-thing, from tho sleeves, which are long and tight In stroot costumes, to tho skirts, which are narrower than last year, and which promise to bo longer. Thero is ono important question ques-tion which has not as yet been settled. set-tled. A fierce battlo Is waging bo-twoon bo-twoon two factions, for tho bustle and against It. After all, It Is up to tho women themselves, In tho end, and only tboy can decldo whether a style is "to bo or not to bo." Fashion authorities may launch a mode, but If tho women won't wear It It dies, and something olso quickly takes Its place. Tho Dress and tho Suit. At present, Indications aro that tho dress and coat will bo moro popular popu-lar for street wear than tho coat suit. This Is a rulo that Is easily set aside, and thero will bo many suits worn this year. Indood, It Is an American costumo, nnd tho American woman always feels that thero aro occasion when only a coat suit should bo worn. Howover,' dresses to bo worn on tho stroot without a coat, thoso first cool days, aro holding tho center of tho "tago. Dluo sorgo loads, as It always does, but trlcotlno, gabar-dlno gabar-dlno and wool Jersey, as well as tho i heavier woolen materials In various I colors and combinations of color, are oqually smart. Tho Tlc-On Wnlst and tho Straight Skirt. Tho illustration shows ono of tho many clever designs for tho tlo-on blouse. The surplice lino is so generally gen-erally becoming that I, for one, am glad to seo that It continues to bo a fashion favorite. Tho panel effect in tho front, with its braiding design, Is another feature. This dress was dovoloped In blue sergo, with tho collar and braiding in belgo color. At first glance, ono sees tho smpllc-Ity smpllc-Ity of the costumo, and effect gained by tho absence of trimming. A dren of this typo is equally suitablo for morning or afternoon. Buttons nnd Tassels. Tho day of tho button seems to havo arrived to stay. They aro of every shape and color, and in many cases aro tho solo trimming on a U3r s -J Tho Now Tunic Dross, trim talloiod frock. They also crop out In unexpected places. Wo naturally natur-ally look for them on tho fronts of coats, dresses and waUts; sleoves, too, and oven collars havo boon devotees de-votees of tho button for some seasons, JNow, though, thoy havo taken now strongholds. Up and down tho back they travel, around tho hem of Inconspicuous In-conspicuous skirts, nnd across tho shoulder and down tho slcevo.. When they match tho color of the costume, thoy aro smart; when thoy aro of a contrasting shade, thoy nro smart; when they aro round, square or oblong, ob-long, they nro equally smart. Indeed, one Is tempted to say that this fall they aro the chosen Insignia of Dama Fashion. Tassels, too, and fringe come In for their share of applause. In different differ-ent widths and shades, thoy nccontu-ato nccontu-ato tho flying drapery and tho straight silhouette. Tho New Tunic Dress. Tho tunic gives such lovely long lines to tho shortest figure, that one can easily understand why It is so popular. Then, too, tho tunic dress can so readily bo made of two materials ma-terials and contrasting colors, nnd so presents many possibilities for tho homo dressmaker as well as for the professional. Tho shaped tunic Is very new; the ono Illustrated here shows how graceful Is tho effect obtained ob-tained wliCP It Is longer on ono sldo than tho other. Fur, Jcup or short hatred, is usod a groat deal on those dresses. There is something fascinating fascin-ating about tho contrast of tho rich fur and the simple material. Tho wide crush belt, tho surplice collar, and tho tight sleeves are all features well worth studying. |