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Show J LABOR AND I SUPPLY BUREAU I SERVICE H For Sale All kinds of plums, fall HJ and winter apples, dried corn, pota- HJ toes, onions, alfalfa and wild hay, J cows, bulls, buggies, surreys, horses, HJ teams, etc. HJ For Rent Houses, furnished and HJ unfurnished; apartments and rooms. HJ For Exchange Buggies, wagons, H; surreys, bulls and an automobile for H cows. f- Wo have several groups of men Ht-s looking for beets to harvest on con- HJ -M tract, also school boys who want to Hf work for board. If parties who wanted farm help a week ago will report again as to what they need now, we may be able to help them. As soon as you know the date of 'digging beets and the price per ton you will pay for topping, advlso us, We have some parties waiting. Twelve good, able bodied men applied ap-plied for work before 10 o'clock thU morning and were on their way to Jobs before noon. Tho writer happened to fall Into conversation one day on the train with a father and son who were on their way to Oregon to Investigate the possibilities there of going Into the vinegar business. They were from New .England, where they claimed to have made big money in the manu-.- facture of this household necessity. - j The orchards of Bear Biver valley brought from them the opinion that the fruit growers of Utah are blind to one of their greatest opportunities. With tho abundance of apples that are growing in this state and the very uncertain markets that render SI the industry hazardous, these men in- Bistcd that our apples, converted Into I sweet cider and vinegar, would make tho business of apple growing very profitable. It Is an undertaking that requires Tery little outlay by way of a plant, and opens up a new avenue of profits. With tho state gone dry, tho market for sweet elder is enlarged. Vino-gar Vino-gar has about doubled In price. This is not intended as a way of disposing of wormy and unrlpo windfalls, wind-falls, but will provide a means of disposing dis-posing of good fruit that finds a slow market. Wo repeat that Cache valley producers pro-ducers must look Into those now side line ventures to dispose of their surplus sur-plus and by-products, if their farms and gaideua aro to produce all that good husbandry and good manage-, manage-, mont would admit. |