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Show MERCHANTS ENCOURAGE BOYS & GIRLS Following Is a complete list of special prlzott, which havo boon of- H fered by tho merchants and business H mon In order to stimulate Interest among tho boys and girls In tho B Homo Garden movement: H SI. S. Ecclcs, 5.00; Eccles Invest- H mont company, $10.00; Cacho Valley H Commission Company, $500 for best H sack of early Ohio Potatoos, and H $6.00 for tho best sack of Whlto H Pearl potatoos; Anderson & Sons, H $5.00; Thatchor Bros. Banking com- pany, $10.00; Bluebird, $5.00; John- H son Grocery, $2.00; Co-op Drug com- H pany, $2.50; Blair Slotor company, $5.00; Cache Valley Auto company. $5.00; Farmers and Merchants Bank, $10.00 In accounts of $1.00 each to remain in the bank ono year; Kimball I Auto company, cash; Cardon Real l Estate, cash; Slotor Sates corpora- ' tlon, cash; First National Bank, $10.00; Edwards Furnlturo com- pany, merchandise; Sturdock Candy IJ company, 10-pound box best candy; Cardon Jowolry company, ono kodak; S. E. Necdham Jowolry company, H bracolet, boy's watch, and ono dozen pin flags; Slorrcll Clothing company, ono sweater; City Drug company, fountain pon; Thatchor Clothing com- 'H pany, pair of boy's shoes; Economy j Supply company, ono macklnaw; H Shamhart-Chrlstlanscn, one Paul jH Jones middy, pair of girl's shoes, Nl and ono set of Ethel Martin Holl- ',1 days; Thatcher Music company, uku- rffl lelej Cache Valley Electric company. Al fjnt Iron'comblnatlon and flash light; ; JH Rltcr Bros. Drug company, one hand- fU bag and Rexall watch; Howell Bros., j one suit of clothes; Logan Arms and Sporting Goods company, one twenty- ssiifl two ilflo; Lyric Theatre, two season fiH tlcketX; Andreas. Peterson" Si" Sons., iH ono pair of boy's shots; Dunbar St iH Hydo, one boy's hat; Utah Power & iH Light company, merchandise; The H Hub Clothing company, one pair of ' . tennis shoes; Spando Furnlturo com- k, pany, rocker or merchandise; Logan 11 Republican, one year's subscription; fffl C. C. Wendelboe Jowolry company, k merchandise for boy and girl; W. F. ifl Jenson Candy company, one three- H pound box of candy each month of El tho contest; Cacho Valley Slercan- Hfl tllo company, ono box of pure AntI- Hfl mony Jowelry; Wilkinson & Son, VS prlzo for boy and girl; Harris Music I company, ono now model mandolin; Fonnosbeck Knitting Works, sweater WiM coat; Jos. Newbold Clothier, boy'a RM hat, sweator and tie; Star Clothing Kjfl company, boy'a cap; Lovoland Studio, Pfl photo of best garden with boy or RUB girl; Rcsmusson Bazaar, ono largo SH flag; Cacho Knitting Works, ona jJJJ Jersey or sweater; Rolfson Sporting h5 Goods company, fishing rod, tackle, W-M and basket; II. O. Hayball Slorcan- url tllo company, pair of boy'a shoes and tJrtl pair of girl's shoes; Lundstrom Furn- rol lturo company, $5.00 In merchandise Dp or sot of dishes; Lafount Hardware, base ball, glovo and bat; Consoll- H dated Wagon & Slachlno company, H ono largo John Denrlng coaster wag- H on; Larsen Hardware company, H merchandise; Everton & Sons, Foot- H ball; Logan Municipal Light Plant, M merchandise; Union Knitting Stills, M Merchandise; Bell Bros., cash; Cache M Valley Banking company, cash. M Thoso who havo been solicited and iM deslro to glvo, should advise Sir. 'M Nichols, supervisor, at the Commer- M clal club. M A special commltteo, consisting of M Sir. E. T. Lewis, chairman of tho M Civic Improvement commlttoo; Dr. M Georgo Hill, Doloro Nichols, and 3. S. H Reynolds, will specify tho things tho M prizes will bo offered for each month. M Through tho liberality of tho merch- , H ants and business men, a largo num- H ber of tho mombers of tho Homo Gar- H den movoment should bo able to win M some prizes. However, It will require M ,uffort and caro throughout tho sea- H |