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Show AT THEJ.YRIC "This la what I call real sport," said Se3sue Hnyakawa, tio Lnsky-Parnmount Lnsky-Parnmount Japanese star who will bo v seen at the Lyric an Frltluy and Saturday Sat-urday In the photodramatlc version of Robert Louis Stevenson's famous story "Tho Bottle Imp." Mr. Hayakawa Hay-akawa had just ridden In on a surf board on tho beach at Walklkl, Just out of Honolulu, and was sitting in tho sand waiting for tho director to call him for another scene. "I wouldn't mind If they gavo mo pictures liko this to do all tho time. It Is true we had quite a stormy voyage on tho way over, but onco here we certainly are having a groat H time. Yesterday wo photographed H some scenes of a fight under water In which I was ono of tho combnt-H combnt-H ants, and the day before I had to do a Jump from a high cliff, and of the two I think I prefer tho under-water H fight. You see I always have been H a great swimmer oven as a child In H Japan and being In tho water comes L!fli BBBBBBBBMMs"''&!!4tfHBBuft V BBBttA BaBBr perfectly natural to mo. .In fact It was my love for swimming and diving div-ing that really brought mo Into motion mo-tion picture work. I was a student at the Imperial Naval college In Japan, and ono day In diving from the pier, dived too deep and tho pres-suro pres-suro of tho water broke one of my ear drums which disqualified me for the navy. As I had always been moro or less Interested In tho dram- ' atlo art 1 went on the stago under tho direction of my undo, Otto Kaw-akaml. Kaw-akaml. "I came to America, studied drara-atlo drara-atlo art at the University of Chicago, , translated several modern plays Into ' tho Japaneso language, wont back W to my country but eventually re- turned to Amorlca and entered motion mo-tion plcturo work. Bottlo Imp' as It Is a very unusual story, and the Imps come out of tho bottle and do all sorts of wlerd thlng3. And as most of tho scenes nro filmed In Hawaii It will not only bo Interesting from a dramatic standpoint, stand-point, but from a scenic aspect as well. . "This Is the first tlmo I havo ever played as a Hawaiian and I think I like 'It even bettor than being a Japaneso." |