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Show -M M CITIZENS CLASH I WITH ROBBERS Three Men Killed. nnd Four Wounded In Unttlc In Suburb of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, May 14. Tonight po- llco had recovered practically all of tho f 10,000 taken from tho First Na- Itlonal bank of Castlo Shannon, a lauburbi today by four bandits who entored tho bank, shot to death tho 'cashier and" assistant cashier, bound and gagged a patron of tho bank, and In nttomptlng to cscapo wounded two persons. Ono of tho bandits, John Ohetch, was killed, and another, Som Berts, probably was fatally woundod by shots from a posse of townspeople. A third bandit, Nick Yeolo, was cap- t ii rod nnd hnillv beaten bv a mob that tured and badly beaten by a moo mat nttompted to tako him frotn tho posso. Efforts to capturo tho fourth bandit woro unsuccessful. Entering tho bank shortly nfter noon, tho bandits oponed flro on Cashier D. R. McLean and Assistant , Cashlor Frank W. Erbs. Stanloy W. Wray, :i patron of tho bank, was bound and gagged. Meantlmo the bank offlcors had obtained revolvers nnd roturnod tho flro. Tho robbers forced an ontranco to tho cago and' 'shot down Erb and McLean. Both died within a fow hours. Stopping over tho bodies of tho wounded men ' tho bandits entered tho vault and gathered up sovoral bags of gold and 'silver coin and packages of paper bills. Townspcoplo rushed to tho bank with revolvers, rofles and shot guns. George B. Beltxhoover, Justlco of tho pencp, was foiled with a coin bag by ono of tho bandits. Two of tho band-Its band-Its rushed to their automobile while tho other two ran. Followed by tho posso across n golf grounds, ono of tho mon was shot and killed and the other probably fatally wounded. In tho pursuit Nicholas Yost, n train dispatcher, was shot In the leg. Ono of the bandits jumped from tho automobile au-tomobile and escaped, but tfie other was captured.' ' - |