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Show I Wellsville Cow I Association Report I I" (By LEROY W. -HILLAM.) I Though August is perhaps the worst month of the 1 year for the dairy cow, the Wellsville Cow Testing asso-?) asso-?) ciation-made a very creditable showing during this month. kV The association average for the month was 731 pounds I of milk and 29.2 pounds of butter fat, six-tenths of a I pound lower than the average of last month. Consider-& Consider-& ing the oppression of heat and the large number of flies I and the drying up of the pastures, this is a very good I showing for the month. This month 64 cows are on the I "honor roll," each having produced over 40 pounds of I butter fat for the 31-day testing period. This is a de- crease of six over last month. Seventy-three cows made over 1000 pounds of milk. The leading cow this month is a grade Holstein, jj "Beauty," belonging to C. W. Parkinson, she having pro-la pro-la duced 1240 pounds of milk, testing 5.1 per cent, making j 63.2 pounds of fat. Second place for the month is a native m cow, No. 12, owned by LeRoy W. Hall. Her production fj was 1566 pounds of 4 per cent milk, making 62.6 pounds H of fat. Next to this and third place is John Stuart's MB, "Rosie" with 1420 pounds of milk, testing 4.4 per cent, 'jj making 62.5 pounds of fat. During the last four months M this cow has lead the association twice and has been sec-H sec-H ond place twice, a remarkable showing for this time of m the year. Fourth place goes to Mr. D. A. Leishman'? M Shorthorn cow, "Wart." She produced 1369 pounds of H nylk, testing 4.4 per cent, making 60.2 pounds of fat. l The high herd average goes to John Darley's Jerseys. j These 21 cows averaged 970 pounds of milk and 44.6 pounds of fat. Second place goes to John Stuart's herd m, of 11 Holsteins with an average of .37.6 pounds per cow. t D. O. Neilson's 6 Holsteins are third with an average of m 35.4 pounds of fat. H Mr. Israelson and Mr. Savage, both of Hyrum, have m completed their silos and much will depend upon the suc-W suc-W cess of their feeding this winter for the construction of m more silos in the community next year. Mr. C. W. Parkin-II Parkin-II son has purchased a valuable Holstein bull calf from the to Utah Agricultural college, while the Green brothers are contemplating the purchase of a pure bred Holstein bull m at Richmond. There were six boarders disposed of dur-& dur-& ing the month. M First Ten Herds. H Owner. Breed. Avg.Fat. John Darley Jerseys ,. !. 44.6 ,? John Stuart Holsteins 37.6 8D. O. Nielson Holsteins 35.4 John A. Leishman Mixed 34.9 D. A. Leishman Mixed i 34.9 T. W. Hall Mixed 34.8 LeRoy Green Mixed 34.7 D. A. Kerr Holsteins 33.9 J. Al. Leishman Holsteins 33.6 William Darley Jerseys 33.5 "Honor Roll." Name. No. Cows John Darley 15 Thomas Darley 3 Thomas Bradshaw 2 William Darley 5 ' D. A. Leishman 2 Robert Leishman 1 John Leishman 2 Andrew Lieshman 1 Moroni Green 1 !Ray Hall 2 LeRoy Hall 2 T!G.HaU.ZZZZZIZZZZZZZZZZZZI 1 LeRoy Green 1 ,1, J. Al. Leishman l 1 ' Dan T. Stuart 1 John Stuart 3 C. W. Parkinson 2 ! Joseph R. Brown 1 John Hendry 1 John Perkins 1 D. A. Kerr 3 Jem Jersey Farm 1 , D. O. Neilson .. 2 I P. L. Peterson 1 I John & Elmer Kerr 2 C. L. Williams 1 J. Ad. Leishman 1 James C. Parker 2 Total 1 64 |