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Show CiiEME OIL soap BEirao DISTRIBUTED L. C. Thomas, lepresenting the l'eet Brothers Manufacturing company com-pany of Kansas City, Mo., has been in Logan tho past few days making h free distribution of Cremo Oil soap In overy homo In tho city, and It has como to his ears that somo people aro skeptical about accepting a bar of this soap, on account of press reports re-ports from certain sections of tho country that poison court plaster and other commodities carry poison havo been distributed and that people should bo on their guard. Wo have it from Mr. Thomas that he has sold soap to every grocer and druggist In this city. Tho soap Is told for ten cents per bar, and a full-sized full-sized bar Is boltil; given away by the icrcw which Is representing Poet Urothers. This soap Is 3ald to bo mado from jnntuio'n finest cleansers, olivo oil ! and cocoanut oil. The spap Is especially es-pecially for toilet use nnd makes an excellent soap for tho hair. Wo aro reliably Informed that tho distribution distribu-tion Is legitimate and that thero Is no reason why anyone should refuse to acrept a bar of this soap. I In Vrovo 3300 bnrs or soap wera ! distributed, and In Ogden over 12,000 bars wero given free distribution. |