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Show $1500.00 FOR BEETJSROWERS Tie Amalgamated Sugar company will glvo to Its beet growers in Cacho county and southern Idaho, $1500 in prlseo, to bo distributed as follows: fol-lows: RespectlTO districts comprlso tho .following towns: j District No. 1. ($S00) Wellsvtllo. Mendon, Hysurn, Paradise, Avon, Mlllvlllo. College District No. 3. ($300) Provl-deneo, Provl-deneo, Logan, Grecnvlllo, Hydo Park. Ilonion, Smlthfleld. District No. 3. ($800) Lewlston. Kent Spur, Pond Spur, Ilullon Spur. j District No. 4 ($3.00) FaJrvlow IllceVstead Spur, Preston, Whitney, Naskvllle, Franklin, Richmond. , District No. 5. ($300), Including all tho towns wst and north of Hoar river to McCammon, Idaho. Honeys awarded as follows: $100 for bett 30 acn or mere; $75 for best 10 acres or 'more; $60 for best 5 acres or more; $40 for best 3 acres or more; $25 for best lncre or more. The basis of determination ,shall bo: 1st, best stand after thinning, 40 per cent; 2nd, cleanllnoss of field, 20 per cent; 3rd, size and shapo of beets, 20 per cent; 4th, tonnage, 20 per cent. Each contestant will be limited to ono entry. Applications should be made not later than the 30th day of June, 1917. Judging will be done by selected field men. THE AMALGAMATED SUGAR CO. |