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Show WILLIAM FARNUM, .DISTINGUISHED ACTOR Presented in Film Production of 'Tne Redemption of David Corson,' Another Famous Players Achievement William Fnrnum one of tho most distinguished n'tlsts on tho Amorl can stage, Is presented by the Famous Fam-ous Player -11m Co., In a wonctcrtni-ly wonctcrtni-ly Impressive film production oi tlto famous story of u strong man's struggle strug-gle with himself, Tho Redemption of David Corson, by Charles Fridrlc Boss, published by tho Robbs-Merrlll Co. Famous through his characterizations characteriz-ations in Ben Hur, Tho Prince of India, Vlrglnlus, Tho Whito Sister, nnd moro recently Tho Littlest Rebel, Reb-el, William Farnum makes a perfect David Corson. . ,tt David Corspn.Is a rugged majvlthj an abundance of magnetism and spiritual spir-itual power. For a time he uses his psychic gifts to rescue and redeem his fellow men, until a woman comes Into IiIb life and Satan comes also. From this tlmb David degrades his great power by using It as a means to secure the woman. He loses his faith, gambles and drinks and narrowly nar-rowly escapes becoming a murderer. Then, after an agonizing period of anguish nnd remorse he emerges from the shadow of shnmo and sin and achieves his regeneration.' Tho story has many unusually vital vit-al situations. For consistent appeal It Is ono of tho greatest subjectr over secured for tho screen, William Fornum's art Is Inimitable and Indescribable. Inde-scribable. Ho lives tho part, both In tho moments of exaltation and In thoso miserable hours that follow his downfall, when ho sinks Into the abyss. Mounted with a superb lav-Ishncss lav-Ishncss and a minuteness of detnll characteristic of tho Famous Players, the four reel production attains the dignity and Importanco of an unusual film masterpiece. At the Lyric tlieater tomorrow nnd Thursday. Adv. |